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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. I have a friend that does heavy fundraising for the HRC, and to which I’ve contributed, but I’ve wondered if they’ve ever felt like conjoining the LGBQ rights with the T rights puts them on the wrong side of public opinion. I realize that’s not their goal (it’s to shape public opinion), but it sounds like they are concerned about it, too.
  2. I’m always curious if there’s a part of this that’s about keeping big NIL donors involved, as well. Just like @closetojumping has described Sark, the ones I know are star-chasers, too.
  3. He’s not wrong about Amazon. I chose not to do this, but I could have had a $1.50 roll of tree marking tape delivered to me for free (as a Prime member) overnight last night. There’s externalities clearly not getting captured by price, including creating a work environment for their delivery drivers that gives them accommodations for bathroom breaks.
  4. Bear in mind I agree with you and @wildcat09 (I think the polls are over-representing Trump’s support), but honestly that position isn’t helpful in trying to maintain a healthy skepticism that this is all going to turn out okay. Anyway, I would posit that ground game, as we traditionally think of it, does matter, but it matters more to Dems. The Republicans just have an advantage currently with a greater proportion of reliable voters.
  5. I don’t agree with this position, but let me rebut this or play devil’s advocate. Let’s suggest that Trump, for reasons examined exhaustively (sorry, @bolverk has me fixated on “e’s”) doesn’t need boots on the ground, small dollar fundraising, or even solutions to real problems (at least in comparison to candidate X). A huge swath of the electorate has already made up their minds and he has their vote and the polling is keying on the durability of that support. Harris’s is more volatile because parts of her coalition are still making up their minds (like Arab Americans in MI). I think we have a tendency to over focus on the candidate and not the voters.
  6. They left that hanging, I’m sure intentionally.
  7. Colorado is clearly a winner as the economy continues to transition to one dominated by tech firms looking to establish themselves outside of California. I think about it more about placing a bet on that, and the improved job prospects that come with it, than about the debt itself. $30k-$50k is also not that much money over a lifetime unless your heart is set on working in the public sector (and those jobs generally include some form of debt forgiveness). Try not to look at the world entirely through the context of your personal experience.
  8. It’s only relevant to the degree in which it impacts full employment and stable prices (in other words, housing isn’t getting singled out for special treatment just because it’s very sensitive to rate swings).
  9. Variety top 100 Horror films of all time. The List Appears to be a list more devoted to cinematic touchstones than the scariest films of all time. It’s pretty hard to find some of the pre-1960 stuff scary.
  10. Preaching to the choir, but that's why he has to be re-signed, even if the back-end of the contract is ugly.
  11. Is this the new Halloween/horror thread?
  12. While I agree with fuck Mitch, he’s not stupid and can count to 67. I’m sure he would have been satisfied with an outcome barring Trump from his present campaign.
  13. Watched it last night. It looks good, I think the choice to set it in ‘75 was smart. Everything else is all surface and any connection to the characters is really hindered by the run-time (it doesn’t help that they cast a lead who underplays everything and doesn’t have the charisma to make that work). Pretty much every character acts as if each scene was its own thing rather than telling a story in which the horrors are escalating. Also, I think our team of heroes appear to laze about or sleep until about an hour before dusk and then get surprised that the sun is going down.
  14. I haven’t been there since John Lewis left. Is it worth a visit?
  15. So did Biggio until 2004. There’s nothing about either’s skillset that supports an argument their shit doesn’t work in the playoffs.
  16. It’s very Aggie to use 10 signs when one would do.
  17. Google says Fl population is 22m. You think 13.7m of them are new Florida voters?
  18. I don’t have time to try to corroborate Wasserman’s data, but is he suggesting that 800k Floridians who were registered Dems have left Florida or otherwise not registered for this election? That doesn’t pass the smell test.
  19. This is putting the cart before the horse, but I have fantasies of a geriatric and weakened Trump running again in ‘28 and delaying the reconciliation with reality the Republicans need to have to reorganize themselves around winning policy. ‘32 is marked by a race to the bottom by terminal shitbags like JD Vance and Ted Cruz as they fight it out to see who can charm/fool the greatest number of Trump low information voters (at least the portion that haven’t Darwin’d themselves between now and then). Finally, in ‘36 we have a second term Buttigieg with enough political capital to finally reform the Supreme Court.
  20. I would certainly kick the tires on how much the Cardinals would cover but agree with @Scraps. I was checking their roster a couple of days ago to see if there was a useful 2nd piece to a trade (besides maybe Contreras who I’ve never liked) and their roster is otherwise a bad match. Position scarcity is one reason why I’d give Bregman whatever it takes and trade Tucker before he leaves for nothing.
  21. Repeated for emphasis…
  22. I don’t want to fire Dana but he needs a team President Luhnow to help create the plan. I’m not terribly familiar with his flaws, but I want Kevin Cash. That’s an organizational problem. If you’re going to throw up your hands and claim “every team is suffering from this,” I’m going to rebut that the team who proactively solves it is going to win championships. Maybe player health isn’t predictable but team health is. We KNOW there needs to be extra starters for this very reason.
  23. This has really been an awful year as a fan and I don’t think it’s because we are spoiled by winning-we are spoiled by relatively good management. Let’s hope we see some strategic thinking in the off-season and a little luck wouldn’t hurt.
  24. I don’t know if you’ve seen their ad created with $10m of the donations but it’s terrible. You should ask for your money back.
  25. I think the cake is mostly baked there-Trump will blame Harris regardless and his voters will follow suit. Harris actually has the potential to message this as “the higher prices you see because of the strike are just a taste of what you’re going to see under the Trump tariff plan.” Her voters will agree with it and the media will run with whatever they think gets their viewers pissed off enough to watch more pundits blathering.
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