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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. I got three texts just during the debate. Apparently Kamala can’t do this without me, which I’m totally honored by of course, but I wonder what plan B is when I ignored it.
  2. Petition to change the thread title to “Israel vs Errbody War Thread”?
  3. Wishful thinking, amigo. Maybe it’s being stocked by the same management who decided these were a good idea…
  4. I’m glad we switched conferences because of the upgrade in competition, but I saw this at the Co-Op Sunday and it’s very Aggie:
  5. Not get side tracked, but that was also a sublime moment because those Seattle teams were a bunch of assholes coached by a bigger asshole.
  6. LCHorn


    So not entirely Mexican, but we went to Bar Toti last night (it’s from the Suerte/Este folks and adjacent to Este). Anyway, it was terrific-all day happy hour on Monday helped keep the cost tolerable and the hongos a la plancha were a highlight.
  7. Well now I’m a little jealous because I’ve twice voted in the Republican primary purely to have the satisfaction of voting against Cruz an extra time. Using that as kindling would have made my weekend.
  8. I feel like I've heard that before.....
  9. I first found Casa De Luz after seeing the raves on Yelp years ago and risked taking a lunch date there. For me, it’s 5 different ways to over-boil squash with a Scandinavian aversion to anything resembling spice or heat. If you’re craving something that approximates 17th century gruel four weeks into crossing the Atlantic then it’s a good spot for that.
  10. @Gil Bang has never met a problem a couple of travel nurses couldn’t fix…
  11. Lack of faith in the American electorate, imo. Can’t imagine why, of course.
  12. It’s funny that I’ve spent more time reading this thread than I did attempting to watch the show.
  13. That would be awesome but good luck getting a PIW right now. Fannie and Freddie tightened eligibility requirements for automated underwriting software and I mostly can’t get borrowers to meet them, even with 30%-40% equity in purchase made 12 months ago.
  14. LCHorn


    I usually cook the slime out of my okra but it still thickens a little bit, too. I actually prefer it a little less thick, personally. It's not etouffee.
  15. Fredericksburg is so weird. The residents are typically very friendly, the town is charming, it's the rare small town in a rural area that's thriving in the 21st century, plus tons and tons of outside investment and high-earning immigration. It's like all that is cover for the Klan.
  16. I had Adams for American Lit since 1910 (subtitle was "God is dead"). Unfortunately I got on his bad side taking another student's graded paper and my own to point out the inconsistency in his grading (admittedly hers was better but not THAT much better). Plus he gave me a B+ on an essay on mechanism in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and a B on another paper I wrote on Jesus' Son. I spent 15 hours on the former and maybe two on the latter and I would've given myself an A+ on the former and no better than a C on the latter. This was in 2001, mind you. Clearly I'm over it.
  17. Miller’s not a Dem and most of his guests are Never-Trumper Republicans. It’s really weird-I think it’s a strong place to attack, particularly coming from the right.
  18. I think it’s #1 but I’m always surprised I don’t see it written about, talked about on podcasts, etc. Maybe the media exhausted themselves over it in 2018 and I was paying less attention. I’ve probably listened to Tim Miller on the Bulwark podcast and Pod Save America 80 hours over the last month and they’ve definitely talked about #2-#5 but nothing on Russian “investments”.
  19. I'd love a recommendation for a pool resurfacing pro in Austin if anyone has one.
  20. That’s just because Tucker is aloof. I hope we offer him market but it’s easier to get average production in the outfield and upgrade elsewhere. One thing I want to take a closer look at is our peers bench production. We’ve got probably 800 at bats with, at best 650 ops. Some of that is bad luck (I wouldn’t expect Chas to repeat last year but this level of production is unexpected), but it’s also a place to upgrade for a low relative cost.
  21. Look, if the window is closed, who cares if the payroll is $65m or $165m? Bregman appears irreplaceable in 2025 and 2026 is going to be contingent on replacing Tucker or his wins.
  22. The last couple of years on most longer contracts are shitty anyway; I don’t know why that should be a hindrance. I’ve been moved into the “pay whatever the market requires” camp by the relative paucity of replacement candidates. Particularly with a hole in LF, 1B, and ideally hunting an upgrade in CF.
  23. So I listened to that yesterday because a Klein/Buttigieg combo is like crack to me, and Mayor Pete as always delivered. That said, I think his failure as a candidate (and to some degree as a surrogate) is because his communication style is exactly what someone of my education and social class wants to hear. He’s a little like Elizabeth Warren in that he proposes solutions that seem appealing because they are based on data, are constructive, etc, but is almost over polished for an electorate raised on reality TV. I don’t think he or Ezra laughed or cracked a joke in the whole hour. I get that they want to discuss serious topics, but if he dares to run again he’s got to try to entertain a little. It also made me think that maybe he’s a better Senate candidate than Presidential candidate. He can be Gen X Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
  24. Yeah, but that blue Texas sure looks pretty, doesn’t it? Imagine if we can flip it…
  25. Lucky in a statistical sense. You and I both know that pitch a half inch up or down and the batted ball performs differently. If it makes you doomsayers feel any better, take a look at the statistics of the other playoff candidates in both leagues. We’re a little spoiled because the of how well balanced most of the Astros teams have been during this run, but pretty much everyone has a hole or has to pick between defense and offense at a couple of key positions (just like us).
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