I don’t want to be overly presumptuous about farmers in Iowa, none of whom I know and in a state I’ve never visited.
That said, I grew up around SE Texas rice farmers (and after rice didn’t make money they cycled through sorghum, soybeans, even cotton and of course now everyone is growing corn) and they are just are plenty happy to take a handout. I watched those families get bailed annually in the 80’s and that “bail-out” money wasn’t going to just food, it got spent in new trucks, boats, 4 wheelers and the like. I wouldn’t get overly sanctimonious about their dislike of federal support when it’s meant for them.
I’ll tell you something else you probably don’t know about those hard working, independent problem solvers. Most of them aren’t farming anymore (too much work, too little profit) but they are still getting USDA money for leasing their fields to other farmers, sometimes just for leaving them fallow. These are the same people, mind you, passing along emails later forwarded to me that claimed Obama was a Muslim jihadist back in 2005. I’m sure that’s migrated to Facebook or other social networks, but I’m sure the rhetoric about Harris isn’t any less racist.