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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. The problem is that a relatively small number of Texas voters willing to vote Dem are watching TV.
  2. This belongs better on the real estate thread, but I think the ethical conflict is more obvious on the seller side-if I’m an agent I’m more likely to move an under priced house than trying to maximize the price (which obviously is the goal for most sellers). Moreover, my time is finite so the more of it I spend working towards that higher price, the lower the return on said time. As far as the cars, the tax code is VERY realtor friendly. I’ve had realtors send me prelim tax returns showing $20k in yearly AGI and they can also make it show $120k in AGI because of all the eligible deductions. I’m actually kind of surprised we aren’t all realtors just to reap the tax advantages.
  3. So you've tried to sell them, then? No other method is going to determine market value with the accuracy you're citing. If you believe the Texas A&M Real Estate Center index, sales prices have actually gone up in '24 (every quarter).
  4. Going down in absolute sense and going down 30%-40% is a huge matter of degree, no? Look, the TCAD values are wildly inexact--you can't use those to presume fair market value, in spite of the Texas Constitution mandate. I don't like using sales price as a proxy for value (it's subject to supply distortion), but the Texas A&M home price index shows a price decline of 14% off the peak. I think that's most heavily felt in the $750K-$1.5m range because those homes are upgrades for most buyers and the potential buyers are locked in to cheaper homes by terrifically low rates. I don't know what your property's value is but I'd wager if it's between $400K-$500K any value loss is in the single digits. Either way, complaining about the city of Austin share of your tax bill while not also putting most of your blame on recapture (if you're getting hit for AISD taxes) is fine, I guess, but the injustice of the latter is in proportion far more offensive to me.
  5. I don’t know if I’m confusing you with other posters but I keep seeing this concept put forth and it’s just false (with the caveat that I neither care what Zillow says and using them to bolster the credibility of that argument is about as worthless as quoting an Aggie neighbor). Home values have not gone down 30%-40%. They didn’t even do that in 2008 when shit really hit the fan in the property market. I’m pretty disgusted with the inaccuracy of mass property tax appraisals so I’m sympathetic to complaints about cash-flow volatility, but that’s not an Austin problem.
  6. Same-it was a solid update and relatively unappreciated. Obviously the visual of the vampire kid at the window is iconic, at least to horror film fans, and the update lacks anything that memorable.
  7. Maybe, but pretend Soros says “here’s some money, go after them anyway”. What’s your message?
  8. Bulwark podcast with Tim Miller
  9. So I don’t know if it got talked about last night, but Abby Philips on CNN (who is, btw, the smartest and most concise pundit on cable news) brought up the Harris campaign’s weakness with young men. Thought exercise-this is probably heavily demographically based (as in she doesn’t underperform when adjusted for education or household income), but is there something her campaign should be doing to chip away at Trump’s advantage there? For example, would it be worthwhile for her to go on Rogan, or is his audience going to see anyone that pro-institution as unfriendly?
  10. I’ve started listening to Tim Miller’s podcast and his Trump mockery scratches an itch the Pod Save America boys just can’t quite get to.
  11. Rage on, it’s the bureaus.
  12. I don’t want to single anyone out but this turnip shit is stupid. It’s trying to make fetch happen. On the other hand, ladybug for Lindsay Graham is 100% perfect.
  13. I do like to chuckle imagining all the side eye John gets at the Klan meetings when Kumar is mentioned.
  14. To be fair, that’s not a Harris thing, that’s a woman thing
  15. I’m skeptical of this, as well. I think most of the disgusted far left has had their tantrum over Gaza, the border, whatever, and are back in the tent. Kamala is wisely making populist economic issues her campaign focus because that’s the persuadable voter remaining in the swing states.
  16. This is from my network and not me directly, but I’m hearing stories of 30-40 trigger lead derived phone calls to a borrower in the first two days after credit pull. Someone also claimed upwards of 50 and they had previously signed up on the opt out pre-screen website. We also appear to be about to lose an approved refi because the servicer made an offer better than ours after we ordered the payoff (of course theirs is capturing a couple of weeks of pricing improvements). TL:DR-prep your borrowers for a deluge of sales calls and don’t order the payoff until right before closing.
  17. When Cheney came out for Harris I thought “nobody gives a shit what a traditional Republican house Rep from Wyoming thinks besides Democrats.” That said, people like Adam Kinzinger seem to think it’s a big deal so I guess I’ll go with it. I’ve tried to search my mind for a Republican that is both popular and not for Trump and can’t think of any now that GHWB and McCain have passed away.
  18. Remember these are poll questions (which I haven’t seen) so the responses are probably two or four different options. In other words, it’s picking up a vibe rather than interrogating the response or trying to check it for validity.
  19. I’ve got a meeting so can’t check on this, but I was under the impression he had a ++slider, a +curve and a neutral change.
  20. Also on the Pod Save America ep from this am, they discussed the Times/Sienna poll and mentioned that 85% of those polled believed that a Trump victory would be better for men. Obviously that’s a majority of respondents from both genders.
  21. I actually was thinking about both of those scenes when I trying to articulate what didn’t work. I see what they were trying to do-those are the bridge to the fantastical elements in the third act. I think there’s something about the way they were shot, particularly the fight club, that was too just too much. Maybe it’s over saturation of colors, maybe it’s CGI, I just know it didn’t work for me. It’s like two different movies between the first half and the second. If I was script doctoring I’d say “start with a scene that shows off the fantastical elements so that the audience is prepared for it later.”, which obviously they did and it still doesn’t work for me.
  22. I was just listening to the Pod Save America guys from this morning and one of them made the point that that Trump’s ceiling is his floor. Kamala has energized 9/10 of the Biden 2020 voters-the debate is chance for the last tenth. I’m hopeful that’s an oversimplification because I would think new voters replacing olds would have resulted in a stronger starting advantage for a Dem.
  23. Hot take-the best part of Shang Chi was Simu and Awkwafina being stupid at the beginning. Everything after grew more and more untethered from the real world, which deprived the climax from there being any real stakes.
  24. James Earl Jones
  25. I swear I’ve heard that voice before…
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