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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. I’m pretty sure Bernard said the silos are 340 years old. We’ll see-I don’t know how you end this story if they aren’t leaving the silos, having found a safe place to colonize topside or in search of one. If that’s the case, then it appears that the AI running parts of the Silo and that Lukas encountered may end up being the antagonist. I’m curious why Solo appears to not be receiving direction from the AI in Silo 17, or why it appears they have the technology for silo to silo communication but it’s not being used.
  2. We stayed at the St Regis but went over to the Four Seasons for dinner-I think the latter is a little nicer/more updated. Hector’s was probably the best restaurant we ate at, though we were weren’t normally hungry after pounding ceviche all day on the beach. Sayulita was a little underwhelming as an outing but there’s lots of Americans there for either surfing or working remotely and probably some cool stuff if you have time to explore.
  3. I love the idea of pork and paprika but my family is very German and weekly meals of sauerkraut as a kid has ruined it for me as an adult. Can you make the dish without it or sub in something that doesn’t smell like Oma’s breath?
  4. I almost pulled the trigger on Thursday to sign up before cut-off. Last year’s weather was perfect. I bet they are miserable today with the wind.
  5. We recommend it all the time if someone is making a principal reduction or otherwise meets the requirements. It’s never and “either/or” comparison against a refinance, the latter of which is pretty much always an attempt to either access equity or to lower the finance cost of carrying the note. Bear in mind that everyone outside of depository lending and Rocket relies on referrals to generate leads and it’s obviously bad business to recommend anything not clearly in the borrowers self-interest.
  6. Come again? You're presuming there's even going to be a Department of Education in 6 months.
  7. I’m going to cite Derek Thompson’s podcast again, but he also just had someone on in December to talk about Google’s quantum computer successes if anyone is interested in that. I think the TL:DR was that it was capable of remarkable problem solving given very discrete and specific instructions, but that it was not yet broadly superior to what they refer to as classical computing (also, there may be a thread for this stuff already but we’re veering off Facebook fuckery into far more interesting subjects).
  8. I can't recall who was mentioned but the Chase guy cited some and made the point they have legitimate reasons. At the moment, no one can monetize it to match the degree of investment and subscriptions to LLM shit for resume reviewing isn't a good use case. Bear in mind he's coming at it from an investor standpoint and this isn't VC money he's advising. I presume his enthusiasm is more dampened because it's unclear WHICH firm might win out than that one of the will do so.
  9. I’m glad you brought this up because Derek Thompson just had the chair of market and investment strategy for JP Morgan on his podcast (Plain English if you want to listen) and he made the same point. The Mag-7 are burning through lots of cash building infrastructure but don’t have customers yet and it’s likely a few of them are going to be big losers. That said, he described himself as 51% bull on AI and was kind of impressed just how committed these firms were towards the R&D. I was listening to Ezra Klein Jake Sullivan interview yesterday and it was interesting how confident Sullivan was on winning AI dominance over China, presumably because these tech titans who have created cartels over our information are using those enormous profits in competition for the next thing.
  10. Holy shit, trailers have cycled back to use Moby Play for the trailer music! I have definitely lived too long.
  11. This--the regular violence between nomadic aging adolescent ne'er do wells from San Antonio and Killeen can go someplace else. They aren't coming to Austin for the music, they are here for mayhem.
  12. I don't know anything about the Lake Belton property market, but from looking at listings on Zillow it looks like there's lakefront availability in the $400K-$500K range with a 3/2 (and some poor soul trying to move a $2.2m new build that lacks lake front views). I'm seeing lots available for about $100K an acre. You should know better than me who the buyer is for those, but I would think Houston, Dallas, and Austin residents have closer 2nd home options and those are the buyers who might pay a premium for luxury (I'm sure there are Houston/Dallas/Austin people among the buyers, but they would be more concerned with affordability). Otherwise, the goal with a flip is to spend the least amount possible on anything that doesn't confer luxury. I think I'd go with something modest and wouldn't feel the need to have two ovens. All I'm seeing is Samsung appliance packages on Costco's website, but if you can get something that is an upgrade by brand but is their lower quality model, I might go with that. Caveat is (and I should have asked this) is what is your ideal sales price? You don't put Whirlpool in a $1.5m home and Thermador in that $400K house described above.
  13. Are you looking to rent this house, occupy it or flip it?
  14. I presume the joke is because they’ve already made such large contributions. I know they would be very happy if other contributors would take the torch, especially O&G alumni who historically contribute to Bellmont.
  15. Maybe-Newsome is in competition with Josh Shapiro for the ‘28 nomination and this is going to be his chance, particularly after the rail boondoggle, to show he can make government work, even if he has to steamroll Bass and local officials to do it. Shapiro has been interviewed a bunch about how they rebuilt the I-95 bridge by basically giving it a fast lane past most of the permitting. That’s what Newsome will want for the rebuild. This would take longer, but this also offers Los Angeles the chance to re-envision how those neighborhood look, particularly in encouraging density and with natural disasters in mind.
  16. LCHorn


    I did that once, under the premise that it would be healthier. I ended up with explosive gastrointestinal distress, the kind where sweat pores off you and you can imagine passing a kidney stone would be less painful. No thanks.
  17. I’m sympathetic because I grew up between Houston and Beaumont with a bunch of Baptists who were happy to tell 2nd and 3rd grade me that I was going to hell (at the time this hit a lot harder). That said, it seems to keep the kids off the pipe and off the pole. Once they start making it part of the curriculum it’ll surely become uncool again.
  18. LCHorn


    I go for the Deep Pan Veggie add pepperoni and have them cook it extra long so there’s no chance of soggy crust. Usually I will eat about half and save the rest (wrap in foil and reheat in cold oven for 25 minutes as the heat is brought to 350).
  19. I don’t think the Fed is as much of a market mover as the big banks and players in the Eurodollar system. It’s more likely they deliberate long enough to see which way the wind is shifting and try to follow it.
  20. I actually prefer it be off in the same direction if it means market participants can create their own adjustments that might lead to a more accurate measure. That’s one reason why I don’t buy Habib’s explanation when he claims the headline numbers are distorting the market. Maybe the rubes are relying on it but the big funds have the brain power to do their own research and analysis and the quants are just following whatever the trend is.
  21. Sark’s offense doesn’t need a running QB (although to Drebin’s point, a QB who can bail themselves out of trouble is always helpful), it needs consistency from the O-line and a RB that can get three-four yards a rush so that the LB’s and nickel can’t ignore the play-action. I’m super appreciate of Blue and Wisner for giving us a chance in most games, but we’ve got to be in more favorable third down conditions if we want to not require Heisman-esque performance from the QB.
  22. I'd rather grab someone who can get three-four yards in between the tackles.
  23. Time Bandits was on Apple TV, no? Eh, I don’t think they are programming Skeleton Crew for the SurlyBevo demographic.
  24. If you’re going by the Nielsen ratings (which is the only publicly available survey data as far as I know), none of the top 10 is family programming aside from perhaps the British Baking Show. Anyway, I think we’ll see some articles in the trades promoting the idea that Disney’s internals show high viewership amongst younger viewers and they are satisfied enough to put a second season in production. If they want to shuttle it off into developmental hell after then they can do so quietly. I think they also are trying desperately to broaden the audience and might be willing to invest a second season into it.
  25. The only time I’m this honed in on a subject is when I’m day drinking.
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