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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. Judging purely by the frequency that Altuve clears his nose, only Patrick Ewing generates more boogers.
  2. Pinch hitting there for Maldy is a giant “fuck you” from Dusty to all Astros fans.
  3. I just checked in on the thread and I’m not going back-the whole board went nuts when Maldonado batted with bases loaded, two outs, right? How do you not pinch Brantley there? if we lose this it’s on Dusty, not Verlander.
  4. These are my two favorites. One thing that shaggy and surly hasn’t replicated is the philosophical discussions that used to be on hornfans and cleanshaven was my favorite contributor to those. @aggie08 is really good at taking the air out of the bullshit bad faith GOP positions without needing to write 500 words per post.
  5. I’m not in that district but supported and donated to Kulkarni and I was convinced he could win. Very disappointed with that loss.
  6. Reads to me like a bat signal for a Charles Butt donation.
  7. The Kingcast guys tout Revival to all of their guests that haven't read it. I don't know how it can elicit love with that ending (trying to avoid spoilers) but it's definitely terrifying. I feel like young King shows the work of a talented story teller but unpolished writer (and that shaggy dog quality enhances the storyteller "I'm just telling you a yarn" aspect to his writing, so it works better than maybe it should). Post accident he's working with a full toolbox and there's just another level of mastery. Revival comes off as EXACTLY what King intends it to be.
  8. The repeated updates of this clown show is a very welcome respite from the Israel thread.
  9. So this is a little embarrassing that I’ve spent any time at all thinking about the web of sources that supply IT’s content, but Nahlin went to high school with Robert Koy, who walked on at QB and was behind Applewhite. When Major was a GA I presumed that was a source but this was also back in the recruitocosm days when they were more aggressive at publishing rumors. He may also have given them some information when he was under Herman but I can’t find imagine Applewhite would have had much to gain at that point. I’m convinced that don’t really have any true “of the record” sources anymore on the program side. Banks or someone in the SID provides “inside” information but it’s the same, program approved tidbits going out to OB and 247. Essentially they (IT) have traded a little access for their independence. I’m sure Robert Heard is turning over in his grave but it’s kind of the same thing we’ve seen in a lot of the upstart media publishers. Gerry gets most of his stuff by dropping the various high school coaches offices at 6 am and always having a tin of Copenhagen at the ready to share.
  10. Funny, I just had lunch with one of the Crime Commission folks that overlap with Lobo's circle and who is a mentor of sorts to McCaul and was told he doesn't want it. This was, of course, before the present chaos. Maybe he can be drafted but I'm told he just wants to be left alone to run Foreign Affairs.
  11. I don't know what a ZJ is but I'm a good learner if it pays real money.
  12. Ah, this topic again. If you say @Bozo_Casanova three times he’ll jump in here and start shouting “Wyden-Bennett you motherfuckers!” at the rest of us.
  13. Is there not some advantage to letting that one play out further? I don’t think any GOP rep is convincing anyone besides the captive Fox audience that it’s worth the attention and they aren’t voting Dem no matter what. I’d rather they spin their wheels here than maybe settle on an issue that might have broader appeal.
  14. Those are Vichy Republicans.
  15. Glad to see him hit, he had a rough September.
  16. I think Crenshaw is a shitbag but that doesn’t look obviously deliberate.
  17. Who is saying it's THE solution? I think it's broadly well understood that there's an entire mix of housing currently unavailable and this is just one part for which there appears to be a consensus. Or not, we'll see after every NextDoor poster uses their allotted comment time in front of the council to complain about it.
  18. I’m basing my conclusion more on what they appear to be recruiting for (and I’m aware that one of the reported strengths of the Kwiatkowski defense is a record of using a lot of different athletic types on the line)-it looks like they are looking for one end to be high twitch but will accept some size limitations on one side. On the other they are looking for length. I don’t know if that’s a concession to the fact that getting two blue chip rushers on the field at the same time is a luxury or if the longer end has a different role.
  19. Dammit, you made me look. You’re right, he’s being an asshole. That said, the “I’m a subscriber, you should be nicer to me”, I bet gets frustrating. Lots of violent fantasies getting written up over there, maybe they find it soothing.
  20. I was thinking about that question at 2 in the morning when I was posting and trying to think of outside of the box solutions. One idea was to invite the Israelis to immigrate to the US. Not all of them will come but it's a way out for some from the cycle of violence.
  21. Eh, I’d love to have him but that’s mainly because Gerry said he was underrated. Otherwise he’s depth behind Simmons and has the size measurements of a tweener like Finkley. If A&M chooses to deploy money here and that helps keep more dry powder for Kobe Black or Mack then that’s probably a win for UT.
  22. I’ll add that the best outcome here probably includes a depopulation of Gaza and I don’t know what you do with that many people. Egypt clearly doesn’t want them, Jordan is pretty filled up on tent cities full of Palestinians already, and no one else close is friendly (really to either Palestinian refugees or Israel). Saudi is in probably the best position to absorb them and they don’t really want anything from Israel; everything they want is from us. Given the pressure to support Israel, I would think this undermines US leverage in a negotiation but possibly pushes a deal together that would otherwise be waiting for the Saudis to reduce their demands.
  23. I don’t think anyone is saying that. But, I think we can agree that with the benefit of hindsight we didn’t accomplish very much besides spend a lot of money. I imagine Hobbes and a couple of others are just playing devils advocate because none of us have any better idea than “let’s try to kill the bad guys” and it’s pretty likely that’s going to have consequences that kind of suck for everyone. And I think we also know that retaliation is usually planned for and partly welcomed by the Islamist extremists. They’ll be sending out videos of killing hostages and IDF all over the Middle East, which will help with fundraising, and if Hamas gets pummeled, oh well, more martyrs.
  24. Several posters have used the Mexican cartels to try to illustrate how we might respond if the roles were reversed, but I think they are better used to describe their own relationship with the Gaza Palestinians. The common citizen is both a captive and a sympathizer and has unfortunately suffered under outlaw control for so long that there’s no other institution but the cartel/Hamas. Anyway, I’m sure that’s what somewhat frustrates the opposition parties in Israel-there simply isn’t anyone to work with (in Gaza) so any promises of security via diplomacy don’t strike Israelis as realistic.
  25. They touched on this on the War on the Rocks podcast yesterday but there isn’t any “never happening again”. One of the unfortunate consequences of choosing to live there is coming to terms with an uncertain security arrangement.
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