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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by IDIOTsavant

  1. 4 hours ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    Texas City and LaMarque both won state in 97 in the 4A divisions ...LaMarque was still an ISD then but same uil district.  

    TCISD absorbed LaMarque a couple years ago 

    Crazy to remember this - La Marque finished 3rd in the district that year. Lamar Consolidated had Michael Lewis (best player I've ever played against) at QB and took second. La Marque had Roylin Bradley and Dwain Goynes that went to A&M. Texas City sent four kids (Tyrone Jones, Jermaine Anderson, Ervis Hill and Everick Rawls) to Texas after that season in Mack's transition class. Weirdly enough, the two best players on that Texas City team were the RB Adrian Daniels (grades I think) and a sophomore DT named Marcel Moses that was once committed to Texas but never made it to campus...damn, I officially an old. Also, Daniels went for over 400 total yards (I think like 330 of that rushing) in the state title game 

  2. Hey, all you new guys from the football board should try reading a few of Hank Scorpio's posts before you go responding to him. Also, you are the equivalent of Orangebloods posters on this board....or even worse, futureman. Carry on.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    Makes you wonder why blOU and A&M never had this problem with their recent hires, while we have now had it with both Strong and Herman. Perhaps our (Bellmont's) way of evaluating and searching for coaches is more broken than we realize.

    A week from signing day is apparently peak satyanash....Jesus.

    • Like 7
  4. 2 minutes ago, Gardner Barnes said:

    Ahh. Sorry. Thought dipshit_of_the_morning was your sock. Misread your post.

    No worries, but because I'd like to see one of my favorite all-time quotes, I just have to say, "Gardner, you're the most irresponsible person I know."

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Gardner Barnes said:

    I’m so glad you found your way to this thread from the football board.

    Agree to disagree... seriously though, this time of the year on this board is the worst. It's like I'm playing cards with my brother's kids.

    • Haha 1
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  6. 13 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    Member when Powell was supposedly Greg Schiano’s man crush as an elite DB prospect, and it was supposedly a Texas/OU/Ohio State battle for his commitment?  I member.  And with that in mind, how the fuck is someone who had those options going to be deciding between Baylor and Tech?

    The same way Marshall Faulk ended up at San Diego State? Sounds like he wants to play a different position than the big boys want to recruit him to play.

  7. 20 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    I'm leaning towards really good, because for the 1st time as a franchise, the Texans go into almost every game with the best QB on the field. The only thing that gives me pause is the 41 sacks the OL has given up and the CB's are the 2nd worst position group on the team.

    You fix those 2 issues and this team will be a juggernaut for as long as Watson is on his rookie deal.

    So 2 more years. After that, the 5th year option kicks in at the equivalent of the transition tag from a cap perspective.

  8. 1 minute ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    Shepherd doesn't look 346 lbs. in that pic.  Looks like he's lost some bad weight.

    You've clearly never picked up a girl in the Midwest in the middle of winter. Beware of the cloaking qualties of large coats.

    • Like 4
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  9. 14 minutes ago, Plorant said:

    Not smart enough to realize you can't be more than 100% of anything.  Do not want. 


    5 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    Yeah, 1000% committed sounds like something Zach Smith would say.

    Or Jake Smith on the last page of this thread. Do y'all not want him as well? The season is clearly over based on the shit traffic this board is now getting.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Dewey said:
    4 hours ago, Spawn of Cthulhu said:
    Last time was chest pains, now headaches. Wonder what the next retirement will be due to.

    Yeah, it's hard to take him at his word, I know for a fact his last case was panic attacks, for whatever reason(s). Being that medical issues are serious, I think people ought to chill regardless of who the person is. I also hope Urbs never got in a players face for exaggerating an injury.

    According to the Project Veritas article, it was quite the opposite in fact:

    According to the players, there was a culture under Coach Meyer where injured players would be mocked, and the severity of their injuries would be kept from them.

    Nixon spoke specifically of an incident regarding Gideon Ajagbe, a freshman for Meyer’s 2010 Florida Gator team, who contracted a severe infection in his shoulder that led to hospitalization. Before he was hospitalized, Ajagbe was forced to practice and was purposefully subjected to ridicule from the team.

    Nixon said Ajagbe “was literally dying.” Despite having “bacteria eating the muscle in his shoulders,” Ajagbe was forced to carry “a 45-pound plate over his head… he was crying.” Nixon believed Meyer’s staff “didn’t adequately acknowledge” Ajagbe’s injury. Ajagbe confirmed this event in his own words:

    “… it was bad. A lot of what played into my depression was they humiliated me. They thought I was trying to skip out on practice… the word they used, imma be frank, they said I was a pu**y. They’re like man, you’re a pu**y, you’re soft, you’re this, you’re that… There was one day, my arm was literally dangling, like I couldn’t lift my shoulder… And they were like everybody run like Gideon… The whole team, like everyone was laughing at me.”

    Ajagbe said he communicated that he was in pain, but that Meyer’s staff would still push him to practice:

    “And they’ll try to make me lift up weights, and I’ll literally have [my bad shoulder] up, I don’t know how I got it up there, but I would put all my weight on [my good shoulder…] But they didn’t know, nobody knew, but it was still like daggers.”

    Ajagbe expressed remorse, saying, “My mom and dad sent me out here and they put all their faith in this coaching staff to take care of me.” The abuse nearly led Ajagbe to suicide.

    After being examined by medical professionals, Ajagbe became depressed and struggled with pills. “Imma be honest with you, I was suicidal.” ”


    Full article here for those that didn't catch it the first time:



  11. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Smart move.  Vic Mackey High School sounds like a school for morons.  

    It was in San Antonio. Looks like they were thinking of their daughters and making sure they weren't branded as Mackey Specials.

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