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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by IDIOTsavant

  1. In my head, he declined the request by saying fuck you to Chandler Rome.
  2. I look forward to your Pablo Escobar post in the Daily Texan.
  3. Haven’t seen Nahlin’s update, but based on his previous misses, I’m guessing this is his best friend right now…
  4. Note for the future, when arguing your ability to read for content is superior to another, always leave this part out.
  5. Might be selective memory, but I feel like Yainer replacing Maldy will unfuck Hunter. Feel like Brown was rolling until Dusty insisted on mixing things up. Feel like Javier is just tired. He doesn’t throw overly hard, but has good carry. Feel like when he starts to lose that, he becomes fairly hittable.
  6. We decided to make the Aggie bonfire look like a controlled burn…
  7. It’s Surly, sir, where we bury ourselves alive to prove we can handle a shovel. It’s what we do.
  8. Just got caught up on the thread. Let me see if I can succinctly summarize the last couple of pages:
  9. Ha. If you’d done it intentionally, I didn’t want it to live on in my quote. Wasn’t sure, so I went with better safe than sorry…although the fact that your gif was in an Oscar winning movie that recently is fairly sobering. (Checks notes - 25 years ago? Fuck I’m old.)
  10. They’re the Chippewas. Everyone knows Indians are really good at math and science and computers….wait.
  11. Hook’em, Aeryn! Don’t make me regret this…again.
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