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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by IDIOTsavant

  1. Because he moved to Texas a year ago from Florida and has never shown much interest…similar to the Okudah (from New Jersey) situation a few years ago.
  2. IDIOTsavant


    Damn good time tonight. Well done and good luck with whatever is next, sir. Thanks for the memories…however hazy.
  3. It’s not up yet, but this channel usually puts up the entire broadcast. https://youtube.com/c/rLonghornNationGameArchive
  4. Bama 41 Texas 24 Ewers with 318 passing and -14 rushing for 304 total yards.
  5. This entire thread makes perfect sense. This game was definitely the husky chick sitting at the far end of the bar at closing time.
  6. Gotta love it when the fat fucking retard eats a dick.
  7. Good game overall, but the last half of the fourth quarter has been damn fun to watch.
  8. Put me down for Alabama, Ohio State, Utah, and Michigan.
  9. Gonna have to be less than $15 twice as the UTSA game is on LHN as well…that would be difficult for most anyone on this site.
  10. You’ve just described 98% of the Surly roster. I think the disdain comes from charging $9.95 for it. We’re used to getting that for treefiddy. He’s overpriced.
  11. I’d be willing to bet that coaches aren’t looking for subscribers….I mean coaches other than Franchione.
  12. I’m hoping for Urban Meyer with Herman as OC personally.
  13. Which is impressive in and of itself because it looked pretty fucking stupid in the moment.
  14. Probably slightly less than the one for him holding onto the ball too long running around and then fumbling.
  15. Damn…don’t see too many 6’6” dudes in a utility role. Hope he picks up where he left off in Sugar Land.
  16. Throw that into a pie crust with some sliced bananas on the bottom and fresh whipped cream over the top. It’ll hold up better for the next day (if applicable)…bonus points if you throw a little coconut in the custard while cooking.
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