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Everything posted by Ridingtosunset

  1. Two of the HBP didn't matter where box was, but yeah...pretty big coincidence.
  2. If that's an Aussie, it will be the most stubborn, loyal, shedding, smart, neurotic, protective dog ever. They need lots of attention, but great dogs. They will die for you.
  3. Placeholder. Thread for pointing and laughing at greenies as our country attempts to move us away from carbon.
  4. Nice job ladies, that was fun to watch.
  5. This hill is not about coal. It's about applying real world costs to the calculation of power generation from renewables. If wind and solar require back up generation, then that is an added cost to those sources. The EIA doesn't include that in the calculations to my knowledge. Watch what China does. They will continue to build coal plants. Why would they do that if solar and wind were cheaper? Despite Pledges to Cut Emissions, China Goes on a Coal Spree - Yale E360
  6. Does that levelized cost include the cost of backup generation?
  7. Without government interference, coal is the cheapest form of energy we have. Other than burning wood, I guess. I'm not even debating the merits of that regulation. Its cheaper to generate power with coal. Period. And China and other countries are going to burn it for decades to come, regardless of US energy policy. Because it's cheap. We share the environment and climate with these countries. Any comparison of generation costs have to be done in that context. Apples to oranges if you don't.
  8. You're only telling half the story. Why is it more expensive? You know why...we've regulated the shit out of it. Which is fine, I'm not a huge fan of coal. But coal is going nowhere. Germany tried to move away from it, that didn't go as planned. China and India will be churning out new coal plants for at least the next decade. To imply that solar and wind is cheaper than coal is disingenuous at best.
  9. I'd like to see your sources on those attributed to me. Anything suggesting coal is more expensive than wind and solar is using some very convoluted environmental cost factors. If I'm not banned by then, I'll respond.
  10. They get a deducting that is allowed to all manufacturers. That seem like a subsidy to you? The only other one they get is a depletion allowance, so they don't get unfairly taxed on oil in the ground if prices drop. Insane the way you guys speak on something you know nothing about.
  11. Not to mention that no renewable is "green", much less China's.
  12. Yes, you really want to go over this? Its been much cussed and discussed.
  13. Man, I'm long and I'm going to benefit. I don't need to convince. The price is going up, and it will benefit me greatly. I just rather we get educated on the realities of renewable energy. But, like everything else, its a sacred cow that you can't cross the line on. So fucking stupid.
  14. You can find many other really smart dudes that don't give a fuck about politics talking on the same things. Not that Scott does anything but present facts. Ernie Moniz for one.
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