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Everything posted by Ridingtosunset

  1. This is good discussion. Thank you. How much of that transition is subsidized? What does higher energy cost do to our increasing wealth gap? If we do it, what are we accomplishing if China and India don't do it.
  2. Haha, brother if you believe that, invest your money in wind and solar. Just get it out before it busts.
  3. Science versus the equivalent of a the Daily Beast. GTFO. Just be honest.
  4. Scott Tinker - At the Crossroads Energy & Environment Summit - YouTube Here is something from a UT grad to ease you guys into it.
  5. Our capacity to generate is dangerously near the point of intermittent outages in many parts of the country. Not just Texas and Cali. Renewables aren't even in the ballpark of being able to handle it. We could put solar on every roof and wind turbines in every field, won't get us there. Did you guys not learn your lesson in Feb? Neon, I'll send you some stuff tomorrow if you're genuinely interested.
  6. You are a joke and everything that this thread is supposed to be against. You're posting history proves that. Get lost and let the adults speak.
  7. I hope we get a nice EV. I think it would be cool to own and drive. How will we power it?
  8. You guys don't like to dig to deep. China and India drive emissions. Do some research on their energy plans. Good lord.
  9. I could write a novel on the GND and why it won't work. But the point is, its just another political invention to grab voting blocs and siphon tax payer money to friends of elected officials. That's it. Full stop. Same shit happens with Republicans on different issues. It definitely doesn't help the average US tax payer.
  10. You work on efficiencies, you devote a reasonable amount of money to research (which is already been done), you push nat gas. But ultimately I don't know how much can be done. Do we want to tell China and India they can't develop into first world countries? That is where the lion share of emissions is coming from and will only increase.
  11. Those and many other problems are best solved by prosperity. Making ourselves much poorer is a shit proposition for helping the downtrodden, social justice, and just about any other social issue you want to propose.
  12. Wait until we get to water shortages. That will be a hoot.
  13. We've started it by artificial means. It will be a disaster. And that's just us. The rest of the world isn't going to follow suit.
  14. We add more power demand annually than we do our capacity to generate. What do you guys think is going to happen?
  15. The cheapest form of energy is burning wood / dung. Followed by coal. Followed by nat gas. Followed by oil. Not including nuclear because for some reason we hate it. You think China, India, Pakistan, Malyasia, Central America, South America will be helped by green energy? What kind of burden would we put on the middle class in this country to mandate electric vehicles, much less the poor. That's not even getting into the fact that harnessing all this "green" energy actually requires more imput of carbon than actually using carbon as your energy source. Its lies.
  16. This is another conversation and don't want to take away from this thread. I'll try to remember to start one on DT soon.
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