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  1. Yup that’s pretty good, lol.
  2. Yeah I’m sure he’d do that side kick bitch run thing with his arms flopping all over the place while squealing like a child the entire time until 5 feet away, where what, he switches channels and goes full Bruce Lee? I’m completely confident the actual Bruce Lee would appear out of thin air in this scenario and instantly end him on the spot for attempting to “bitchify” Jeet Kune Do.
  3. Reading this made me feel slightly better. I’ve been losing my god damn mind over this fucking guy for MONTHS. My kids LOVE him and my love for my kids translates to tolerance I didn’t think I had and while I don’t know where it comes from I can tell you that all this magical tolerance does is inspire thoughts like .. oh I don’t know.. buying a plane ticket and a cab ride, knocking on his stupid door and strangling him with his own fucking suspenders. At THAT point and ONLY that point would it be acceptable for him to make that fucking dipshit dumb fucking squeaky noise and would mark the first and ONLY time I will ever be happy to hear it. Months of hearing this fucking queef squeal like the tip of a dick has just breached the rim of his asshole has without a fraction of a damn doubt eroded my mind irreparably. All that squeal does is incite a dog like instinct to chase and kill. Sometimes I can power through a few episodes by daydreaming about suddenly seeing my third person self blasting into the camera frame like a fucking superhero (truly) and just ... laying absolute fucking WASTE to his shitty, squeaky, douchebag, garbage body. Happy thoughts. I would kill for my kids to love peppa pig this much. Peppa Pig is a great show. Blippi .... grumble mumble god dammit son of a bitch GRRRRRRRRRR!! How is this fucking cunt a millionaire? Ok, I’m done ranting. Maybe I’ll take a tip and get my ass to the liquor store. Lol
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