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hook me

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Everything posted by hook me

  1. KU basketball has a good argument for a P4 invite. Maybe you could reason that WVU with it's rivalries vs. PITT & VT along with basketball being relevant & football being somewhat relevant also has a decent argument for an ACC invite. The rest do not. With Beard gone the rest of the teams offer nothing in terms of sustained success, fan support, or intrigue to even approach a P4 invite. The only hope any of the rest have is based on the Pac12 being so desperate to get into the Central Time Zone that they overpay OSU &/or TTU. That's it. You can hope & pray that the Pac12 invite comes (good luck considering that's the only other conference that rivals the Big 12 in terms of shitty leadership) or you can join the AAC & look to re-negotiate their TV deal with ESPN & hope to get enough money to make you feel good about yourself.
  2. Has anyone commented on how much this graphic sucks? It’s cluttered, the fucking water tower trying to resemble the leaning tower of pisa is dumb as fuck, no clue what building that’s supposed to be that the purple cabbage and cauliflower are trying to take over, & they’re celebrating their NY6 win by obscuring it to the point that it looks like a bunch of grapes. Im not saying that UT’s is a work of art that has a spot at the Lourve waiting on it, but damn this thing is boring, terrible, & generally just dumb as shit.
  3. I created an account after months of lurking in the shadows just to rep & confirm this post. Damn you, RGIII for making me do that, but this & your other post were worth it. Fuck that guy & the tens of other insufferable posters on that miserable site now. FCB & his sycophants have ruined that place in record time. Okay, back to the shadows. Happy Hullaby day fellow miscreants.
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