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hook me

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Everything posted by hook me

  1. This would 100% work for a large portion of their base, but they could kill 2 birds with one stone here. Put a monument in their empty trophy room & they can immortalize donors & actually have something in their trophy room. Seems like a no brainer to me, which is right up their ally.
  2. damn that was a nasty hit to gibsons knees
  3. we haven’t forced a TO or blocked a kick yet? What kind of BS is this?!?
  4. hernia? oblique? i doubt we seen him until OU
  5. dear lord run the fucking ball!
  6. yeah let’s not let arch run anymore please k thanks
  7. Memphis hasn’t exactly been impressive on offense and they may go up 17-0 before the half
  8. I remember them back to douchebag mayfield but don’t remember further than that in order. I’m sure that completely changes your mind on the subject.
  9. I remember so many aggys squawking about Sark yelling at the TV person who got handsy before the Alamo Bowl a few years ago. I'd take that from a coach 100x over the picture of Elko in the tunnel before the ND game. He looks like a cow looking at a new gate.
  10. Guy behind her is giving her the ol' Urban Meyer.
  11. Not to mention the QB & WRs they faced everyday in practice over summer and fall. They’re going to be in shock when they play a competent passing game.
  12. what are they going to do barricade the exit with the logs of their fallen bonfire because that’s about the only play they have outside of not showing up at all.
  13. You didn’t let us off easy, you just got your ass whipped at home on national TV and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.
  14. take a knee please no need to risk any injuries
  15. bring in arch and let him run the 2 minute drill.
  16. dammit don’t give them that conversion!
  17. please let this stand so we can see arch!
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