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Hammerin Hank

Certifiably Surly
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About Hammerin Hank

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  1. Anyone need tickets? I have a few extra
  2. What an awesome game. Much better showing than last night. We’re gonna fuck their shit up tomorrow
  3. Phone seems to be working tonight. Still have 1 extra if anyone wants it
  4. I have one extra for tonight if anyone wants it. Longhorn fans only. DM me soon because my phone hasn’t been working at Disch Falk lately
  5. Do we have an official start time for game 2?
  6. I’ve yet to hear a Bigxthaplug song that I don’t like. This one is Andre DuPlantier’s walkout song this year
  7. The thunder and lightning woke me up around 3:00 am. We had about 10 minutes of hail followed by a short rain shower in 78729
  8. Forgot to post this the other night, but I’m having another now while watching the baseball game. St. Arnolds Spring Bock. It reminds me of their octoberfest which I also enjoy
  9. On both Monday and Tuesday of this week my aggy coworker mentioned that he hoped we would beat vandy because he would rather play us than them. Followed of course by “no offense “. Well, be careful what you wish for mother fucker! Lololololol🤘🏼
  10. It doesn’t get much better than an Electric Jellyfish at Disch-Falk Field
  11. I’m absolutely susceptible to buying just because of the label. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. My first purchase of Stash was because of the label, and it’s one of my favorites
  12. The basketball game didn’t go so well. Guess I’ll have a night cap. Wild Texas Kolsch by Texas Beer Co. I liked the porter better, but this will do
  13. Had to leave the baseball game early to get the kids to bed, but at least the beer is cheaper here. Bill Pickett Porter by Texas Beer Co.
  14. Stash by Independence Brewing in Austin. 7.5% abv. This is the beer that really turned me on to IPAs, and continues to be one of my favorites
  15. I think I’ll go watch baseball instead
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