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Hammerin Hank

Certifiably Surly
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  1. The unsportsmanship penalty was bullshit. But it it was also stupid. Our players need to know that we are going to get fucked on those calls if we give them a chance. Completely unforced error
  2. They better not call that What a load of shit. Fuckin pussy
  3. It was in SEC championship. We were in punt formation and shifted the entire line. I had the same question while watching last night
  4. This. We contained him pretty well in the first half. He did better in the second, but he was completely gassed halfway through the third quarter. He could only stay in for two plays at a time. Did he forget to do any conditioning for the last six weeks or what?
  5. Crowd was decent for a Sunday morning against a nobody. I was fortunate enough to not have to pay for the tickets. It was pretty awesome to be that close
  6. II’m so fucking sick of these sec is the best proclamations. If you’re really the best, you don’t have to say it over and over and over because people already know. Besides, who really gives a shit in basketball?
  7. I remember this from elementary school field trips. But what was the point of the aluminum foil?
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