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Hammerin Hank

Certifiably Surly
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  1. It’s nice afternoon for a Negra Modelo
  2. Fuck that. You play to win the game, and as a fan, you root for your team to win. I don’t care if makes a tougher decision for CDC at the end. That’s why he gets paid the big bucks
  3. Lazer Salad by Austin Beerworks. It’s a seasonal double ipa at 10% abv. Super strong, but delicious. It’s probably my favorite of their offerings.
  4. Bureaucrat? More like Beerocrat, amirite? I haven’t had a black thunder in years, and would like to try one again. I’ve only really come around on dark beers in last year or two
  5. Acoustic Metal by Austin Beerworks. Czech style dark lager, 4.6% abv. Randomly saw it at the gas station so I picked up a six pack. I prefer my beer a little stronger but I would get this again
  6. To me, the top 5 WRs have to be JustinJefferson, Ja’Marr Chase, Tyreek Hill, CD Lamb, and AJ Brown. You can argue about the order I think those are the clear top 5
  7. As a Texas hip hop fan Pimp C Fat Pat Big Hawk
  8. I know it’s last minute, but have 3 extra tickets if anyone wants one. Free
  9. Occupy Marz. A German style lager from Starbase Brewing in Austin. It’s light, smooth and tasty, and at 6.2% abv it’s right my sweet spot for strength
  10. Top of the 9th, down by 3, 2 on, 2 outs. Jack O’Dowd at the plate. No Fear
  11. That was absolutely a foul. What are these refs watching?
  12. Has anyone heard anything new about Kaluma’s knee injury? Will he be available against Mississippi?
  13. I don’t see that as a problem. I thought Galvan showed significant improvement last year from his freshman year behind the plate. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has improved further this year. Plus he has a good bat
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