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Hammerin Hank

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hammerin Hank

  1. More talent never hurts, but we have several pitchers with a lot of talent. LBJ, Hurley, Morehouse, Shaw, Sthele all have talent. They just don’t pitch well consistently
  2. I’m getting ads at the top of the thread and at the bottom of my screen
  3. Fox is paying Dominion to take out the competition, and eliminate a few individual nuisances
  4. Here’s a story about the neighbor that answered the door https://news.yahoo.com/neighbour-saved-ralph-yarl-recounts-132816424.html
  5. A more cost effective solution would be to require the employees to not leave the cash register unattended.
  6. This just isn’t true. The stats have been posted in the season thread, and we rank well in several categories including #9 in team era. We’ll drop in that category after this weekend, but we’ll still be above average. This team isn’t one of our best and yesterday was bad, but get a grip.
  7. Is that conclusive to overturn?
  8. That was a strike on the 3-2 pitch
  9. Holy shit, that pitch hit the fucking grass. Didn’t even make it all the way to the dirt. How does that happen?
  10. 101.9 or am 1260
  11. Ok. I didn’t see an angle that would be conclusive to overturn
  12. That call should stand unless there’s another angle
  13. Is Kennedy still suspended, and if so, how long?
  14. Sorry if posted elsewhere, but is Kennedy suspended for being tossed yesterday?
  15. I should follow this up to say that if some billionaire is hoarding this fascist memorabilia in his private collection instead of putting it on display in a WW2 or holocaust museum, then he is probably a fascist sympathizer
  16. Pretty shitty to eject someone after calling strike 3 in the opposite batters box
  17. What happened there? I was at the concession stand?
  18. I think he knew they didn’t have shit in the bullpen and his best shot was riding the starter as long as possible
  19. Absolutely. His speed creates so many possibilities. Need him to get hot again
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