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Leeroy Jenkins

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Everything posted by Leeroy Jenkins

  1. They don’t last long enough to take the time to learn who they are.
  2. They ran off the taxi way. Looks like pilot error and not any malfunction
  3. Oncor is horrible at maintaining their lines as well. They let trees grow up in the power lines which result in small fires and power outages all of the time.
  4. I did a Det out of Manta back in 2000. The place was interesting back then.
  5. Well at least he kept his dick in his pants.
  6. I saw that earlier. Strong work.
  7. Yep. I have had to put one out on a grass fire in a pasture. I have had to basically push some out of harms way with the pumper of our brush truck before. They love to roll in freshly burned grass.
  8. There is a entire conspiracy theory that Remdesivier killed a lot of COVID PTs in hospitals.
  9. Someone needs to start digging into who is making bank on these transports.
  10. We are supposed to get briefed on that by the company. I don’t have much in the way of details yet. Neither of them will be in my first due but we will be responding to one if it does catch fire.
  11. There are multiple battery facilities getting built in Texas. There are two going through the approval process in Henderson County right now.
  12. This will not go away. It was already a main talking point that registers with people. Not it is “written” by someone and it will be used again and again and every time Biden does one of his typical gaffes. Republicans know how to message. Democrats know how to step on their own dicks. Over and over. Fuck CNN is even making a huge issue of this. Trump drives ratings and that is what is going to matter. Journalism is dead.
  13. Oh yeah. He has become the greatest journalist that has ever lived. Amazing.
  14. No need to he would swallow every last drop.
  15. The dumb big hair NJ sluts who didn't get in to Maryland used to arrive in packs at Salisbury University.
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