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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SarkAfterDark

  1. Their QB didn’t help them on either of those throws hence the QB being the bigger issue. Not going to shit on the WRs when the QB can’t hit anyone in the numbers. TCU bet that Ewers couldn’t beat them and they were right.
  2. When your QB is erratic there will be drops. Not going to fault a guy for not catching a ball thrown at his knees nor do I care about a drop that would have gained 1 yd and ran 30 seconds off the clock at the end of a half. Billingsley drop was bad but again that would have been a catch for about 2 yards. The QB is a bigger issue.
  3. Yes. Yes he is. Regardless our WRs aren’t the issue. Our QB1 just isn’t very good right now.
  4. Is the question posed a serious question. Card got his chance last year and his chance this year. No thanks. But at this point let’s see what Murphy can do.
  5. Lmao if you think these are the type of conversations a coach has with his player during the game. Regardless Sark calls the play, he can’t tell Ewers who to throw it to, he can’t go out there and execute for Ewers. The plays were there, Ewers didn’t make them. This game is on him.
  6. You idiots keep spouting this out like Sark is telling Ewers to throw the ball deep. It’s Ewers shitty ass decision making and not coming off his first read. The play call isn’t throw it deep dumb fucks. Anyway some of you guys can keep trying to scapegoat Sark or Worthy but the truth of the matter thus far is just that Ewers just isn’t that guy.
  7. Man Ewers is just not that guy, yet.
  8. Both TCU TDs were aided by the refs in this game. A missed call on obvious holding and then the phantom roughing call. I know we haven’t done ourselves any favors but got damn those calls fucked us.
  9. Punter was in the air, that wasn’t roughing.
  10. Possibly the best half this defense has played all season and the offense isn’t able to put any points on the board. No complimentary football tonight.
  11. Not sure why y’all are screaming at Sark because Ewers is deciding the deep ball is his best option on the plays that are called. This is the second big game he is shitting the bed. Kid isn’t as even keeled as we have been led to believe.
  12. Arky let one guy on defense beat them. The T was helpless out there, not sure why they wouldn’t consistently give him help
  13. This is dumb as shit. Pitiful. More akin to aggie than anything else. @immamac please nuke this thread and ban the thread starter.
  14. All our games are on Youtube. Please show us this film.
  15. It’s more of a ball tracking issue if anything, along with not being on the same page as Ewers. These are points I can agree with. I have to assume those thinking its an effort issue have no idea what they are seeing. Imagine giving up on a route and going at 75% speed but still having 2-3 yards on your nearest defender lmao.
  16. So now you are really just making up shit. Red was mad on the sideline because he got yelled at for not running his own fucking route. Nothing at all to do with Worthy. Kid went for almost 1k yards last year. Has as many TDs as games he has played. Some on Surly “the kid lacks effort” no wonder people think we are a fucking cesspool.
  17. He is pulling up because the balls are out of reach. Not sure why that is so hard for some of you to comprehend. Y’all are really taking the stance that Worthy is giving up on catchable balls? The only reason some of them even look close is because of his speed to begin with. Again these are some really stupid fucking takes. I guess the ball he caught where he laid out in the Bama game never happened. Worthy is giving effort in every other area but when it comes to deep balls he is lazy. This is the stance some of you are taking. As if a receiver of Worthy’s caliber would be more excited about blocking than catching deep balls lmao.
  18. Not sure who started shitting on Worthy to cape for Ewers being inaccurate on his deep balls since he returned from injury. But these are some really bad takes. I guess watching on TV some of you don’t realize how off these balls are, most if not all of them aren’t catchable if Worthy just gave a bit more effort, that’s nonsense. Worthy has given effort on returns, and also blocking downfield but when it comes to catching deep balls y’all think he is loafing around? And I guess we are all collectively ignoring Ewers bad mechanics which are probably contributing to his overthrows?
  19. I'll take this to mean he reached out to Texas. And I'm pretty sure there is room for both Rogers and Toviano.
  20. That isn't what I would call a bend but don't break defense. But if that is your broad definition then there is no need for us to continue this discussion.
  21. Sark's first choice at DC was Muschamp. Do you think he calls a bend but don't break defense? Regardless we don't really run that kind of defense now. Your whole argument is stupid.
  22. So basically what you are saying drunk or not you are still a fucking idiot. Team is built to win and wants to win but the coach is dogshit? Well who is responsible for getting the team to this point? Team is young and they have issues executing consistently especially in the second half. I think some of you expect Sark to go out there and execute for the players.
  23. These post are always funny. X isn’t pulling up on balls that he can catch. Some of you really have no idea what y’all are seeing out there at times.
  24. Finally a bounce that went our way.
  25. That was just a dumb play call. Put it in the hands of your QB.
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