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  1. Pretty easy Google search, he was taking money from political action committees & corporate interests. Don't really care it's just hilarious he tries to keep up the punk rock defiant counter culture schtick. He is the epitome of a conformist. A sell out.
  2. Isn't a political stance.
  3. That guy got exposed as being a corporate stooge & payed shill. Lol@having 'Defiant' in his name.
  4. I'm vaccinated. Not sure what that has to do with immunity from prior infection but go on.
  5. Why? He has verifiable antibodies.
  6. People more pressed he's bald than a being murderer.
  7. The true colors of the laptop class are coming out.
  8. Marginalized by who? You? You were never an ally to begin with. They'll be ok.
  9. BLM leader says there will be a national uprising against racist vaccine mandates.
  10. Pretty the U.S. is the only first world country that 'drops the hammer' on the uninsured. Go to the ER uninsured and you walk out with crippling debt & your credit destroyed if you can't pay.
  11. Who has a lack of military?
  12. American tax payers funded the Iron Dome yet they refused to give us the source code. They have healthcare yet we 'can't afford it'.
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