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Everything posted by lmao

  1. I followed the rules and got vaccinated, but the people who aren't getting vaccinated are not getting vaccinated, especially since things are pretty much back to the pre-covid days restrictions wise. It sucks, but that's reality. You see people on twitter routinely sparring all day about this but its a fruitless endeavor.
  2. About half of full-time workers in the U.S. age 25-64 make approx 30k a year or less.
  3. .....
  4. So there is no American occupying force in Afghanistan at the moment and for the foreseeable future?
  5. Are you on team don't whip your cock out in a women's locker room or other space for women only?
  6. You're on team walking around with your dick swinging in front of women & children at a spa?
  7. Happy 4th of July boyos. Btw, which poster's wife is this having a complete meltdown: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdxXhdLT/
  8. Pls don't turn this ji I don't why he thinks these are a bunch of script kiddies in their parents basement. Like you pointed out they're pros doing well planned attacks who most likely have direct or indirect state sponsorship.
  9. Dude chill
  10. "At a summit on June 16, Biden warned Russian President Putin that 16 types of critical infrastructure -- including food and agriculture, emergency services and health care -- were off limits to future attacks. It’s not yet known if the U.S. victims of the latest ransomware attack fell within those sectors" So what is Biden's next move? If he does nothing is he protecting Russia?
  11. Am I drunk or are posts getting deleted in this thread? Maybe both?
  12. Israel's wars aren't going to fight themselves.
  13. They're like right wing postmodernists.
  14. Greatest economy ever while millions don't have healthcare, can't afford medical expenses, and can be bankrupted for getting injured or ill. USA!
  15. This was odd.
  16. Good time to buy Boxabl stok?
  17. It's a diverse group. It's not just white Trump supporters. I know it's easier to look at things as binary that's not the case here.
  18. What do they have in common? Anti-vaxxers are a diverse group.
  19. Seems like owning a home with zero of the benefits & more of the negatives.
  20. Owning a condo seems like it sucks.
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