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Everything posted by lmao

  1. Dipshit Qanon morons and their conspiracist beliefs are completely irrelevant in regards to the investigation into Covid's origin. Wasn't the former CDC director smeared for suggesting it came from a lab?
  2. It's weird ppl labeled the lab-leak hypothesis as racist & xenophobic when the theory it came from people eating bat soup they got from a wet market seems much more culturally insensitive.
  3. -Taxes should be low across the board -They're job creators. If you tax them there will be no more jobs. Broke right wingers go to bat for coporations like no one else. It's wild.
  4. So there is no way this administration is going to legalize it federally is there? Why hasn't there been more pressure on this admin? Why didn't they receive more criticism for firing staffers for using (possibly legal at the time) marijuana? "frustrating staffers who were pleased by initial indications from the Biden administration that recreational use of cannabis would not be immediately disqualifying for would-be personnel, according to three people familiar with the situation." This was wrong on so many levels.
  5. I had to google what a Tag Heuer is. Guess I'm a poorzz
  6. Lol, there is no way they could point to it on a map now.
  7. People that have never had to deal with cabs regularly do not know how fucking crooked and terrible they were. My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it.
  8. Had a "Covid cleaning fee" that was like $300. Lol. Respect the grift I guess.
  9. And who is going to pay for these wars? Cut them off ffs. Americans are tired of being complicit in this shit, we have too many problems at home.
  10. The Overton Window is hilariously to the right. BUT BiDeN iS a cOmMunIsT1!! Saying you want reasonable liberal policies like universal healthcare gets you painted as a commie by Pubs & in some cases a Green Party wackjob by Dems.
  11. Tom Perez joins anti-union law firm: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2021/05/obama-labor-secretary-tom-perez-anti-union-law-firm-venable
  12. Tell me what to buy right now pls
  13. I'm Sicilian. A little factoid the largest lynching in American history was against Sicilian immigrants in Louisiana. Also had a homeless looking man aggressively call me a Jew & said "Mazel Tov" to me the other day while I was getting gas. Reminded me of this:
  14. So this all because we don't want to see it as win (it isn't) for Trump? I despise the guy as much as anyone else but this is dumb.
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