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Everything posted by lmao

  1. He's a clown but what he posted sounds about right.
  2. And what happened after their ban? Do they 'unban' it?
  3. Tbf, the majority of ppl I saw followed the rules. It was actually pretty surprising given how selfish Americans can be. Outside of some masd gatherings & protests it seemed like 95%+ were masked, distancing, etc.
  4. lmao

    Big Pharma

    So many hot coeds I went to college with who didn't get a MRS ended up being pharma sales reps. That has to be the profession with the most talent outside of maybe porn.
  5. lmao

    Big Pharma

    Went to a derm because I had something that resembled eczema on my leg. Ended up going away on its own but the doc was like 'we could put you on Humira but the potential side effects are severe enough it could effect a life insurance policy'. I politely declined.
  6. Poor children got completely screwed during this whole thing and additional funding should be provided to overcome these hurdles. I know an administrator & coach at an underfunded district. He was basically moved to tears at all the kids who are getting left behind & there isn't anything he can really do about it which kills him.
  7. 7 or 8. You could walk in and get a test at any time at my work. Never tested positive though.
  8. Not really, Biden is as pro-Israel and Zionist as any god-fearing Pub.
  9. But..but..people want to fuck me11!1!
  10. Brutal: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeGgTuxf/
  11. At the end of the day he is still a nerd & even billions can't compensate for deeply ingrained dork genetics.
  12. I don't have kids. Do children routinely get the flu vaccine? Don't remember it all during grade & hs.
  13. "Palestinians have been killed. Some of these people are entirely innocent non-combatants, including children. This is an unspeakable tragedy. It is also one of the unavoidable burdens of political power, of Zionism’s dream turned into the reality of self-determination." -Bari Weiss Sounds no different than this: "Jews have been killed. Some of these people are entirely innocent non-combatants, including children. This is an unspeakable tragedy. It is also one of the unavoidable burdens of political power, of Germany's dream turned into the reality of Aryan self-determination."
  14. It's a genocide. It's not different when they do it. It's not complex. Call it 'ethnic-cleansing' or a 'slow-motion genocide' at the end of the day it is a genocide and our tax dollars are complicit in it.
  15. She looks like the chubby 5 in a sorority that lets EVERYONE hit. I'm sure wherever she went she's a part of sorostitute lore.
  16. Is Spring Break over yet?
  17. Israel must inflict "blows [on the Palestinians] that are so painful the price will be too heavy to be borne ? A broad attack on the Palestinian Authority, to bring them to the point of being afraid that everything is collapsing". When asked if the US will object, he responds: "America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction. They won't get in our way. Eighty per cent of the Americans support us. It's absurd." In the full transcript he goes onto say how he stopped the Oslo peace process.
  18. At this point are we capable of looking back without (insert narrative)-tinted glasses?
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