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Everything posted by lmao

  1. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-china-among-least-religious-nations-1.5350737 A lot of Israeli's are secular so not necessarily sky daddy but ethnic supremacism.
  2. They're in Maryland. She's in her 70s. We were seriously preparing for a funeral later this year & my father moving out to the West Coast.
  3. This article would have labeled you a full blown Alex Jones the frogs are turning gay conspiracy theorist a year ago.
  4. From the ADL: "With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable. It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory." This is literally the "Great Replacement" "White Genocide" conspiracy theory.
  5. https://youtu.be/lFoxL3sOAio
  6. Apartheid ethnostate gonna apartheid ethnostate
  7. Is there an answer to why it took so long? What were they doing different in the first year of this thing?
  8. 26 mass shootings this month. Too large to screencap: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting
  9. You don't think an untouchable billionaire who is above the law & has the courts in their pocket could intimidate a girl into not going to the authorities? Even if they do the chances anything will happen is nil.
  10. So the whole thing ended up being a Mossad & other intelligence honeypot, right?
  11. Gates is beyond reproach. The guy who is not a doctor who creates medical edicts can't be questioned for some odd reason.
  12. My stepmom was diagnosed with stage 4 mouth cancer at the beginning of the year. First opinion basically gave her 6 months and due to covid & their schedule she wasn't able to start treatment for months. Basically said that's all they could do. Death sentence. She got a second opinion at John Hopkins, got on an experimental drug, and surgery (no chemo) & is now in remission. One of the doctors actually used the word 'cured'. I don't know enough to speak on this topic but always get a second opinion if available.
  13. From a different source. Ppl live in their own news feed.
  14. I bet this dude pulls in his social circle
  15. I'm speaking about SoCal. It's still packed and getting more expensive. Pre-covid traffic. Seems like something would change if there was a mass exodus.
  16. Real estate keeps going up, if they're leaving more people are replacing them.
  17. Skimming through the comments the sentiment seems to be "haha take that rich white ppl, follow the rules". So bizarre. The political horseshow has turned them into puritanical social conservatives.
  18. I'm in SD. Where is this mass exodus people keep talking about?
  19. Coinbase & Coinbase PRO. I have Kraken but am hesistant bc don't they have issues with U.S. users?
  20. If you had 10k to burn which shitcoins would you buy atm?
  21. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/05/liberals-covid-19-science-denial-lockdown/618780/ Inflammatory headline but makes some decent points.
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