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Everything posted by lmao

  1. Don't know who this is, but their entire feed is dedicated to culture war issues and clapbacks. With so many serious problems in this country why must we burn so many calories on superficial social media spats & political gossip? The overton window is so far to the right in this country we have Bill Maher trying to say Nafta, welfare reform, the 94' crime bill, Bush bankruptcy law, and bank deregulation is the center. Like wtf.
  2. Thomas Frank is great.
  3. What does that have to do with some Gen X crustpunk throwing a brick through a Starbucks window? If the Proud Boys went by "Totally Not White Supremacists" that doesn't make it true.
  4. Do you support antifa? Pretty sure they're anarchists who hate both parties. Idk.
  5. In your opinion, should vaccine formulas be shared with the developing world?
  6. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/bill-gates-covid-vaccines-countries-b1837884.html Fuck the poors
  7. Police called for a welfare check on a 17 year old. Of course they murder him and are still trying to withold information to the public years later. https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article250976639.html
  8. Why are there deadlines for anything? Release the footage.
  9. That guy and his crew would have been posted all over Twitter, doxxed, and fired within a week.
  10. Crenshaw is the worst. I saw some clips of the podcast, even Joe pushed back on his ridiculous fantasy land takes on healthcare. At least Joe supports universal healthcare, something the sitting president is staunchly against. (Yes mad)
  11. I mean he's in his 50s. But yeah running gear and growth for decades can't be good.
  12. lmao

    Whatcha reading?

  13. What about when they block public buses & regular working class people? They're trying to get home from a long day at work, they got kids, obligations, they're barely scraping by. Why fuck with these ppl? Protest those with actual power.
  14. Honestly liked her after hearing her rant on who gives a fuck about the White House garden.
  15. This is a stupid question, but when did you guys who have lived in Austin for most of your lives notice a homeless problem? I'm in SoCal now and haven't lived in ATX going on over a decade. I don't ever remember tent cities.
  16. A lot of it is apathy and not a hardline political or anti-vax stance. People see it as a flu shot.
  17. Sounds very Trumpian to me. Doesn't India manufacturer a lot of our generic drugs?
  18. Those are a lot of weird names of towns.
  19. First vid on YT that I searched, that was one of the comments. Also, lol.
  20. TDIL gender reveal tannerite explosion boxes are a thing This is something from Tim & Eric
  21. Ok, I read the WaPo op-ed. Got it confused with this man who wants to "Save The Classics from whiteness" https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/02/magazine/classics-greece-rome-whiteness.html
  22. Is this because The Classics are considered white supremacy or whatever now?
  23. It's ok to admit a mistake or calculation & correct course. The guy is still a world class expert at the end of the day. I don't expect him or other scientists to get everything 100% correct.
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