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Everything posted by lmao

  1. I'm on board with all of this. Just wondering who would not only answer & stay on the line with a robocall & then purchase what they're peddling? Obviously it's enough for them to keep pulling this shit.
  2. Haven't read the entire thread but what should have been the correct move in this guys situation? You won't find me having sympathy for cops but she had a knife and could have killed the other girl. Does the cop taze her instead? Physically disarm her? This whole thing is just fucked up all around.
  3. What % of people actually purchase something from a scam call?
  4. I'm seeing comments on social media of people saying that being vaccinated doesn't mean you can't still spread or get covid and thus we need to wear masks, social distance, and have lockdowns if needed in perpetuity. Some people see we're slowly climbing out of this thing and their power trip is coming to an end. It's fascinating from a psychological standpoint to watch. Imagine rooting for a pandemic.
  5. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting Plenty to choose from. So many there is one for whatever narrative you wish!
  6. Burr has a great bit on this. "Oh why isn't this new city I'm in exactly like the place I left?"
  7. Unpopular opinion:IPAs are overrated. overhopped swill.
  8. Not quite on topic, but Dr.Drew is considering a run at Cali governor.
  9. Lol, Iced Earth...haven't heard that band name in 20 years.
  10. That leaves out the 40-50% who don't vote. Obv a high % of them are going to lean Pub/Muh Freedomz. However, (as MSM has covered) there are significant amount of Latinos, African-Americans, holistic types, different religions, the apathetic, who aren't getting it. Ancedotally, I know people who are somewhat apolitical & don't have any anti-vax views yet they aren't in a rush to get vaccinated. They look at it like the flu shot. There is a decent chunk of people who don't follow politics in this country nor care about Democrats or Republicans. I kind of envy them.
  11. For the third or fourth time. The anti-vax demo is diverse, it isn't just muh freedomz retards.
  12. He would have a legitimate shot at winning the presidency. This country is fucked.
  13. We've been over this before but the anti-vax demo is a pretty diverse group. It isn't just drooling muh freedomz retards. White, black, latino, right wing rednecks, far left tofu eating hippies, etc. I guess we have that going for us.
  14. The quote is correct and yes Tucker is a racist and an asshole who happens to agree with Greenblatt, also a racist and an asshole.
  15. https://kutv.com/news/local/family-of-13-year-old-boy-shot-by-salt-lake-city-police-sues-department https://www.npr.org/2020/09/09/910975499/autistic-13-year-old-boy-shot-by-salt-lake-city-police Can't find a follow-up on this but SLC police shot a fleeing 13-year old autistic boy 11 times. He somehow survived. His mom initally called for mental health workers to help with a crisis and yet they still end up unloading on the kid. Don't believe the officers were disciplined either.
  16. Was there any investigation into the shooting or was it basically open & shut?
  17. I still don't think she should have been killed as she was unarmed. My views were probably diametrically opposed to hers (would prob consider me a libitard commie or whatever). Guess I'm too much of a bleeding heart idk.
  18. People support state power when they believe it is being used against their political enemies. I'm sure that woman's political views were abhorrent, but that does not mean she should have been murdered. She was unarmed and iirc she was standing next to security or an officer before she was shot. Police shouldn't murder unarmed people. Full stop.
  19. Isn't the ADL's statement the same as Tucker's racist replacement theory? Both want an ethnostate. Both don't like brown immigrants & Muslims. And yes the DailyCaller is terrible but they provided the clip:
  20. He quotes the ADL. They both hold the same racist replacement theories.
  21. All that for what?
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