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Posts posted by lmao

  1. 7 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    Got any more backstory? Besides a dude yelling "get out nazis" over and over. Did someone there call the cops?

    “The concern was that the people in attendance were not adhering to the government’s COVID-19 public health orders, which are in place to ensure everyone’s safety,” said the police in part.

    They knew their was a service so the police showed up. Not much of a story. 

    Your thoughts?

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Landomatic said:

    Religion is so much more subjective than BBQ...it’s not even in the same ballpark.  For someone who, otherwise, comes off as a fairly intelligent person, you sure are dumb as a brick about this shit.  Or you’re just a troll.  Either way, your little act about all of this is growing tiresome.

    Do you think people outside of the state line do not know how to smoke a brisket? 

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  3. 9 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I don't know that I've heard this one, actually.

    I think Texas bbq is awesome, I just think this attitude of "we're the best and that's a fact" is nauseating.  There are several places that have the exact same attitude.  It reminds me of religions saying "but we're the right one and you're going to hell if you go to that other church!".

    It's impossible to learn how to put a brisket on a smoker outside of the state line. No one else can do it!

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  4. 2 hours ago, Landomatic said:


    If you find yourself outside of Texas and you think BBQ is your best bet for a choice in cuisine, or if you're ever basing your travel outside of Texas on getting BBQ...you're doing it wrong.

    This thread sucks.

    It's not that deep bro

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  5. 1 hour ago, bolverk said:

    Do you mind identifying those individuals who do not want the pandemic to end?

    From people who have benefited financially or politically to people like my aunt who treat this as a new religion or a reverse Qanon. Not sure what she will do if this ends or things go 100% back to normal. She is having the time of her life. Being able to yell at children & their parents for not social distancing at the park is her Superbowl.

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  6. At this point if someone doesn't want to get vaccinated then that is their choice and they'll have to accept the potential consequences. The rest of us will get vaccinated and the country will move on.

    The goal was to prevent hospitals from being flooded and to create a vaccine. We have achieved those goals. This is a good thing. I would have never thought prior to this a certain % of the population would not want a pandemic end. It is so damn bizarre. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  7. 1 hour ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    It’s not just the moron MAGA, it’s an overlap with them, distrustful blacks and whacked out crazy hippie liberal types. 
    same as all the vaccination things. Same as home school type stuff (minus the blacks in that one). 
    It’s a strange bedfellows thing with the anti Vax crowd. 


    30 minutes ago, mdleast said:

    Agreed but at least with those that have been historically distrustful or hippie types against (typically all) vaccinations, there is a consistency in position.  What especially annoys me when I hear/read from any friends, family, Facebook "friends" and people online (including here) who (1) are not medical professionals in any way, shape or form and (2) who I can never recall once before professing any strong opinions or claimed expertise on any prior medical issue and yet they are sudden "experts" on COVD and vaccinations (and in opposition to what the supermajority of true medical professionals/experts are saying).  I mean, isn't it amazing that these people we know who have never professed medical expertise or hot medical opinions previously are suddenly "experts" on this one particular issue?  Isn't that peculiar and amazing that they suddenly gained savant like status on just COVID?  Or, rather, could it be they're just regurgitating the same political hacky bullshit they have heard from others in stupid red hats?

    I mean the other groups that are anti-covid vax have probably received your standard vaccinations at one point. This isn't some binary thing you can pin on a political party. The anti-covid vax crowd is pretty damn diverse tbh. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  8. 3 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    Cali beach lifeguards are not your typical sit in an elevated chair all day watching over a pool. These guys and gals are active. When we go to the beach in San Diego area every year, we are amazed how often the lifeguards have to leave their stand to run down the beach and jump in the water to swim out and save some poor dipshit who got pulled out by a rip current. It's like at least an hourly thing. They earn their pay, although I'm not sure $200k pay.

    This. The SD lifeguards are skilled professionals not some high school kid watching a local pool. 

  9. 21 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Nobody else finds it sad that our society has degenerated to point where trying to capture a video to post on social media is more important that trying to help your fellow human

    Didn't seem like anyone tried to help that guy including the National Guard.

  10. 1 minute ago, lmao said:

    Not even that. Out of shape, fucked up hairlines, looks like late 20s-mid 30s and older. When I was in undergrad we went to places surrounded by our peers, not with broke oldheads burning through stimmies.


    10 hours ago, NWBuck said:

    Not to get too Cloak Room, but a buddy of mine who lives/works in Miami said that "Spring Breakers"  had been in Miami for about three weeks- lotta beach fun, lotta drinking, lotta debauchery. Spring Break.

    But, he says that curfews and such didn't start until the students from the HBCUs arrived.... same behavior, but different response.  Could be that it took a while for the Miami folks to get tired of the chaos and crack down, but it certainly feels to him like there might be other factors involved.

    Videos/source of the early Spring Breakers destroying restaurants, brawls in the street, rapes, etc.?

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