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Everything posted by lmao

  1. Quit using boomerbook years back.
  2. Jesus Christ. Barely a blip about this:
  3. Funnier than Worldstar..
  4. Derp. No I've been sober since May. He got let go at the beginning of the year and that rock bottom it was got him sober finally.
  5. I don't live in Austin so forgive me for the naive question but when did homelessness start becoming a problem? I don't remember tent cities 10 years ago.
  6. Sober since May. Friend of mine got fired (teacher) for alcohol related issues. It took that for him to finally jump on the sobriety train. I'm trying to help him the best as I can.
  7. How is this on the officials? lol
  8. BBC:Covid lockdown-Children as young as eight self-harming, doctor says https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leeds-56417014
  9. Could a middle class American realistically move to these countries & become a citizen?
  10. My alarm wakes me up at 6:45am. I wonder if I have set the wrong time on my alarm as I do not feel rested and it is dark outside. I stare at my phone bleary eyed and realize that actually yes, it is time to get up. I go to the kitchen and make a coffee to try and kickstart my brain, and eat bland scrambled eggs on toast. I treat myself to a bit of bacon and savor it as much as possible for I know it is one of the few fleeting moments of pleasure I will experience all day. I shower, get dressed, and walk 2 blocks to my parking spot where birds & homeless people sometimes use it as an object to shit on. I put on an audiobook on my drive and listen to a biography about someone who lived a better life than me. I arrive at work by 8:30am, wishing I was still in bed. I sit at my desk rotting, feeling my posture gradually deteriorating. I medicate myself with painkillers and a steady supply of coffee that ensures the boredom of my work will not fully send me to sleep. I tap away at a computer, realizing that if the company I worked for bothered or could afford to implement better software, 75% of my job would be done by the computer itself, faster and more accurately than I could hope to. I shoot the shit with my coworkers about projects or current events during my short breaks and lunch. After 8+ hours of drudgery, I make my way home. I workout for an hour then shove some food down my throat to keep me alive, so I can repeat the cycle of working day by day, year by year, ultimately so I can make more money for somebody else. If I am lucky I have one hour per evening where I am free to do what I like after although usually I am too tired to do much except watch the latest episode of whatever TV show is currently hot or maybe text with friends I will never have time to hangout with. I go to sleep knowing tomorrow will be exactly the same.
  11. You don't want your kids around minorities you can just say that instead of the novel.
  12. What other countries would better to raise a family?
  13. The majority of his clients drive a leased beemer, prob swimming in high interest debt as well
  14. Somewhat on topic re:China. https://youtu.be/2DH4v6FnbvM
  15. I had no idea his meme restaurants were still in business. Even survived the pandemic, good for him.
  16. And? They can take the risk. Statistically most of them will be fine. A certain % have had it without even knowing. Some will unfortunately learn their lesson. Not saying you, but make no mistake there is a certain % of the population that doesn't want this thing to end for various reasons.
  17. If you don't have it by July then that's the risk you're willing to take. The rest of the vaccinated people are moving on.
  18. How have they not been punished for their deception & refusal cooperate? https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-refuses-to-give-who-raw-data-on-early-covid-19-cases-11613150580 This was called out almost a year ago by various politicans and professionals yet it was met with criticism.
  19. Can't come from a lab if you kill the scientists, journalists, have the military take over said lab, bar investigation, destroy databases, lie and deceive the WHO..
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