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Everything posted by lmao

  1. That wasn't a facetious question btw, I knew you had some biology or medical background just forgot what it was.
  2. Fwiw, iirc only 24% of African-Americans are vaccinated in NYC. Pretty horrible optics banning 3/4 of AAs from being able enter a store, shop, etc.
  3. If you read past the headline they're hosting another event. They had a vaccination event prior in March.
  4. What is your medical background? Honest question.
  5. How big of a super-spreader would Lollapalooza be compared to Sturgis?
  6. RUsSiAn PrOpAgAnDA1!!
  7. Get that bag: https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/21/business/covid-vaccine-billionaires/index.html
  8. For vaccination, against vaccination passports.
  9. He just said it was Russian propaganda. *& I thought you gave a shit what our EU allies think? More fake protests:
  10. Is this ok? Are these protests fake in your opinion?
  11. Protests in Europe, Aussie, etc.
  12. Good for you. Hope you're consistent in your outrage.
  13. jesus christ dude
  14. Maybe not the right thread but the fourth officer who responded to the attack at the Capitolhas committed suicide. The guy was only 26 years old: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/03/kyle-defreytag-us-capitol-attack-police-officer-dies
  15. Science.
  16. Um, no shit? Pretty sure you misunderstood my post or have me confused with a different poster.
  17. I thought the data out of Israel showed the benefit of having antibodies from prior infection. I understand that everyone needs to be vaccinated but antibodies from prior infection does count towards herd immunity does it not?
  18. Tbf I haven't kept up with it, I thought the Feds have arrested a lot of these people w/the help of social media.
  19. I love how the trillions of wealth transfer & corporate welfare to the people at the top wasn't considered socialism/communism.
  20. The circle jerk around this woman's death is bizarre to me. Reminiscent of MAGA gun nuts who fantasize about shooting intruders, protestors, etc.
  21. Her politics were most likely abhorrent to me but I just can't support police shooting unarmed people.
  22. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/29/eviction-moratorium-expiration-renters This is fine. Good thing the current admin has BlackRock execs in their cabinet to help fight for the common man.
  23. I still can't believe therapeutics for a novel virus are now political stances. This country is fucked.
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