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Everything posted by lmao

  1. NYT article three weeks ago: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/01/health/coronavirus-johnson-vaccine-delta.html
  2. If Trump would have come out of the gate with mandatory lockdowns, masking, vaccines, etc., do you think he would have received backlash from his opposition?
  3. There are people on all parts of the political spectrum that have replaced religion with their political ideology.
  4. What? Suggesting it came from an accidental lab leak could put you in the Q/MAGA camp, banned from social media platforms, or even labeled racist (which is odd because saying it came from eating bats seems far much more culturally insensitive but whatever). For real though your recollection of this is wrong. Ostracizing people & scientists for suggesting it may have originated from a lab was wrong & flat out creepy.
  5. Thing is hair can matter, like a lot. Let's say this is a single dude navigating the modern dating scene at the moment. His entire dating pool changes with hair vs without hair.
  6. He's nothing more than a mirror.
  7. "After McNair's arrest, he escaped three times from three different institutions using various creative methods. On his first attempt, he used lip balm to squeeze out of a pair of handcuffs. He escaped a second time by crawling through a ventilation duct. In his last escape from a federal prison in April 2006, he mailed himself out of prison in a crate and successfully convinced a police officer he was not the prison escapee but actually a jogger.[2][3] This resulted in his mugshot being featured a dozen times on the TV show America's Most Wanted, and made him one of the top fifteen fugitives wanted by US Marshals. McNair traveled to Canada twice in order to evade capture, traveling across the country for over a year before being apprehended in a random police check. Much of what the public knows about McNair's escape and his time as a fugitive is through McNair's prison correspondence with a Canadian journalist, Byron Christopher.[2]" His story to the cop was sus from the start. What roofer or construction worker do you know that jogs 12 miles a day in the middle of summer? I roofed for a summer before, you couldn't get me to jog 1 mile let alone 12 after being on a job site even if you had a gun pointed at me.
  8. “Good morning, patriots,” Miller began, raising the coiled lasso in his right hand by way of greeting. “I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of all these surprises coming out of China. First it was the Chinese virus, then we had the murder hornets, then we had to close the embassy in Houston because of espionage … Now we’ve got all these mystery seeds coming in in the mail.” Lol
  9. Tbf is there any place that is even remotely desirable that doesn't have a high cost of living? A friend of mine recently bought a place in KC. Was blown away at how expensive the real estate & rent is there now. Not exactly the most desirable city either considering the crime, jobs, geography, & a host of other problems.
  10. Dude, it isn't just white Trump supporters. How many times do we have to go over this? The demo that doesn't want to take the Covid vaccine is pretty damn diverse. I know it's much easier to look at this thing as a binary but that's just not the case.
  11. And who did this demo vote for? https://www.wsj.com/articles/young-black-americans-are-most-likely-to-avoid-covid-19-vaccine-11614378542 You guys really overestimate the amount of people who are immersed in or care about either political party. A lot of people are simply apathetic.
  12. I know a physician & professor who thinks vaccinating children is completely unnecessary & she basically has to keep quiet about her medical opinion bc she doesn't want to deal with the backlash. That's wild a medical professional (this isn't some quack, she's very good at her job) has to silence themselves.
  13. lmao


    Yes, yes it is.
  14. Where are you thinking about moving to? Everywhere sucks.
  15. That's good but the tour is over if I go bald. Some can pull it off, some can't unfortunately.
  16. I mean this seems like it might be your thing, this was oddly specific. NTTIAWWT
  17. Be grateful you made it to 50 with a full head of hair.
  18. I'm biased but 90s & early 00s had the perfect amount of tech.
  19. If you're labeling me a conservative I'm most likely to the left of you on the vast majority of issues.
  20. This is reaching levels of obsession similar to the GOP & Hillary.
  21. If you had any amount of government authority/power it would be terrifying.
  22. I'm in San Diego & I don't see alot of masks at stores & basically zero at the beach, farmers market, bars, etc.
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