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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ewreck10

  1. Pretty sure Witt said something to him.
  2. Some insurance would be nice here
  3. Hope ty gets his shit together but completely agree
  4. Ugh, put them away! Just need to get out of this one and hope we wake up tomorrow and moving forward
  5. This ump is fucking trash
  6. Ok Ivan.... what ya got here?
  7. I give pierce a lot of shit as the 3rd base coach but the hit and run action there, brilliant
  8. Hell yeah!!!!!
  9. You got be kidding me. Wtf
  10. Way to go Pete. Alright, this is the inning boys. We are going to get hot as shit, beat the hell out of this shitty team, win this damn tournament, and fuck around and win the other one.
  11. Frustrating to say the least. Our hitting disappearing has been not been ideal. Better wake the fuck up.
  12. Dude was way out of the box on that bunt. Can that not be challenged? Halfway to the fucking pitcher
  13. God, why can’t we put these backwood douchnozzles away?
  14. The strike calls on Zubia and Ivan were questionable at best, but then not calling that 3-2 pitch a strike for Witt was horseshit.
  15. How did we lose to these shitheads yesterday?
  16. Pierce is the worst 3rd base coach of all time. Has no feel whatsoever.
  17. How do you just sit and watch that? Swing the bat! EK needs something good to happen at the plate. Has zero confidence.
  18. This is fun. Having Pete as our 3rd starter is a luxury.
  19. This and Zubia, swing the f’n bat man. WTF
  20. Pierce tried his best to blow it
  21. Aaron “Big Balls” Nixon! F yeah!
  22. Hell, he may have even hit him with a slider there
  23. I get it if it’s away from the pitcher, especially a lefty falling off... but I really don’t get it in that situation. Bring in a righty pinch hitter there
  24. What the hell
  25. I second this.
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