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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ewreck10

  1. Blair fuckin’ Witch!
  2. I know one guy that can give up a 15 run lead.
  3. Love days like today. Great day to be a horn! 🤘🏻
  4. Let’s go!!!! Such a great feeling compared to Abilene f’n Christian last year. So damn happy!
  5. He’s so perfect for them, what a loser.
  6. Ewreck10

    NIT 2022

    They were not, not invited to the big dance, they just ran out of spots.
  7. Sheesh, this is a rough ass stretch for us.
  8. Thought he might have got that one… not looking good today boys.
  9. I’m done with Blair. I’ve seen all I’ve needed to see.
  10. Anyone else staying hard right here? I know I am.
  11. So. Damn. Frustrating.
  12. Espn, so likely not correct. My b.
  13. Holy shit, this has got to improve across the board… didn’t realize it was this bad for Ardoin, too.
  14. Need the bottom of the order to get something going here.
  15. He’s got pop, but just isn’t seeing the ball well at all. Looks lost consistently at the plate.
  16. He, Daly, and Campbell are all equally frustrating. At some point we have to find some people that can consistently hit.
  17. Ol’ bird legs looks goofy as shit with those extra high socks
  18. What’s the point of the stupid SEC alternative channel on direct tv if they never show shit on it? Buncha morons. I’d imagine showing Texas playing any of the teams in conference would be a massive jump in viewership…
  19. This sucks. Brutal news to start the day. Get well soon, Tanner!
  20. Yeah, this ump is f’n garbage
  21. Sure would be nice for Campbell to decide to get a hit here.
  22. Time to wake up the bats for a little insurance .
  23. Holy shit, that was a nasty ⚔️.
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