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Texas Homer

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Everything posted by Texas Homer

  1. Unfortunately, Inside Texas kidnapped him and he made this video under duress...so 9.95ers please forgive. Also this post was definitely not made by Texas Homer.
  2. No way dude. That would be absurd. I'm way beyond that. We should hybridize kickers and punters into one position. But you'd need a punter athlete for that and the world isn't ready for that haha. Also the PK for place kickers and PK for Pete Kwiatkowski was a solid joke and I respect you now.
  3. I hope you can forgive him for his sins haha.
  4. Haha that was a good one.
  5. Haha you know I was referring to Prairie View A&M obviously...
  6. I have already written the PK defensive strategy video. Going to start VO today and edit. You should see it in the next few days.
  7. Haha that's all part of the game. OU, A&M, Bama fans like to show up give a thumbs down and dip out haha.
  8. Haha it's the 'Wilhelm Scream' which film directors put in their movies as a running joke for the directors that came before them. It was a nod to my film background. Plus, it gets people's attention immediately haha.
  9. Don't ruin the illusion for the fans haha
  10. 100% all the UT channels on YouTube are united and we all know each other behind the scenes. Great group of guys. The goal is to provide fans the content we wanted growing up. Trying to compete with each other just weakens the community.
  11. Thanks brother. Working on the new video as we speak.
  12. We are all Texas Homers
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