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  1. Love the score in this movie.
  2. Ok, Percy Garris. LOL!
  3. Well done, but a hard watch.
  4. Hmm...don't remember the accent variance, I just know the character has severe OCD. Maybe that's it.
  5. I've never been a Dylan fan, but I really enjoyed this movie. Highly recommend.
  6. Took a bath on GCTK, but made up on ACON. The games we play....
  7. 3 episodes in. Really enjoying it.
  8. Clearing things up a bit.
  9. Major dip buys.
  10. I like $IBRX. Heavily shorted and major insider ownership.
  11. I think this will continue to dip at support around 25 and resist around 45. Nice to play around with during PM and AH.
  12. semitired


    Pure lazy writing, IMO. All of his shows have this in it, but this one is definitely over-the-top.
  13. Kayvan Novak? Did I miss something?
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