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Everything posted by semitired

  1. Just finished the last episode. Funny stuff and I love Eddie. Noticed a few Wentworth refugees.
  2. Her smoking looks contrived and forced. It doesn't fit.
  3. ^This, but I guess I'll stick with it since it's getting close to the end.
  4. Fight Club. I've been hearing about this movie for 25yrs, so I figured it was time I watched it. I enjoyed it, once I figured out the craziness.
  5. I liked The Notebook. Kinda hit home with me with my parents. Mom died of the disease and Dad took care of her till the end. Very tearful every time I watch it.
  6. Netflix?
  7. The prison scene was pretty satisfying, but the last 20mins could have been condensed to a few mins.
  8. Bet you might find something in the CR. Just spitballing here...
  9. Watched it and brought back some good memories. First time I saw Willie was in 1975 at TCCC right after Red Headed Stranger just came out. True Texan.
  10. Magnum Force. Hard to believe he was 80...RIP
  11. Another 3plus hour movie. Hollywood is getting crazy with these lengthy movies.
  12. Really enjoying it, even though the characters are getting a little cartoonish. It seems to work.
  13. This....What a complete waste of 2plus hours.
  14. Watching him in Drive as a Jewish mobster showed incredible range. Love his stuff.
  15. Just checking in here... Going through my 2nd round with AA. Coming off a major relapse four months ago that embarrassed the shit out of my family and friends, I figured I was overdue to get back to the steps. Doing something a little different this time, which has me involved in a 12step faith-base program, as well as AA. Zoom wasn't around the first time with AA, but it sure has helped this time around. Love this thread.
  16. To me, his best role.
  17. Blazed right through all 8 episodes. Really enjoyed it.
  18. Some of Scorsese's characters can be cartoonish and over-the-top, IMO. I hope that's not the case with this one. I'll see it regardless.
  19. I liked this as well. Took me a second, but really thought it was creative how they ended it.
  20. The Peacemaker?
  21. This is when I bailed and had no desire to finish it.
  22. When was Spencer's Corner there in that strip center? The only one I remember was on University, which I spent a great deal of time during my younger days.
  23. Had YouTube TV for several years. Loved it, but they recently raised their prices, so I went with Hulu @ $69 per month. That includes Disney+ and ESPN+. I watch a lot of golf, so the ESPN+ was huge for me.
  24. I did and was highly disappointed. Broke down and went to Costco for a free test and ordered their brand (in canal) and very satisfied. I have severe tinnitus and these seem to off-set the ringing.
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