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6615 Surly 1%


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    small, round, angry

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  1. Would not kick out of bed... UNLESS SHE WANTS TO DO IT ON THE FLOOR!
  2. All that hate's going to burn you up, kid.
  3. 3 chords and the truth.
  4. There is nothing to be gained by that. The dog is OK now, and people smiled.
  5. Whoa, hey. Let's settle this down with the SA answer to Dominique.
  6. Do not make me deep-dive on U.S. kids in S. America in the... 90s. Because I will.
  7. Inka, we have been patient but you cannot drop something like that and not follow through. Surly needs the gory details. And pics.
  8. Would buy her a nice seafood dinner, indeed.
  9. SIAP 20 Feet From Stardom. It is worth a watch.
  10. Using Brave, all I get is audio.
  11. Right then, The Shag... the SURL is invading El Salvador.
  12. Not music, but real music.
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