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Everything posted by TOR

  1. ps. skittebo is the 2nd Coming of Bijan and Jim Brown
  2. So Skittebo is going to run all over The Texas Longhorns. Apparently we don't play defense, we barely play offense, and it would seem if Texas were still in the b12 they would not even be in this game. Good Lord surly is full of absolute pussies.
  3. Give them the evil empire which they so crave.
  4. This hurts on many, many levels.
  5. Their musky pelts were as big as their hair. What a time to be alive.
  6. Great play by Bland in a completely meaningless game.
  7. You do know who the GM is, right?
  8. QB controversy. There, I said it.
  9. YES! Was screaming about that during the game, the dog, the cat, most of the family went and hid.
  10. Hair of the dog day drinkin'.
  11. DO YOU THINK BEING DRUNK IN BOWL SEASON IS A GAME?! Because if not, apparenty you can't afford it.
  12. Tomorrow is a travel day. Will see you gentlemen in the 2nd half of the 2 Frauds Bowl. Go Hoosiers.
  13. Travel day tomorrow. See in the 2nd of of Hoosier/ND, maybe. Go Hooseirs.
  14. Dude played his ass off, good for him.
  15. I made a really bad LOTR joke and you all missed it?! wtf
  16. Good for SHSU. In general, anything Georgia should be marched to the sea. Except the hot chicks.
  17. Yeah, that was crown to crown. Still hate the whole 'targeting' nonsene. WHAT IN THE FUCK worst rule in sports
  18. That should do it, unless SHSU does something incredibly stupid. Like throwing the ball. oh he slept
  19. 'Going up and catching the ball' is some stunning analysis.
  20. This is what I'm talking about. BOWL. GAME. Hope they all got good swag.
  21. French seems like he sucks.
  22. Called it. Thank you very much.
  23. GA SOUTHERN (good lord that is a lot of work) with the drive. This game about to get interesting, unless French throws another INT. 3 is ok here if they do it quick.
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