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Everything posted by TOR

  1. He is not the tool he was at ousucks.
  2. That was just a stop-me-if-you-can statement.
  3. Phil FUCKING Dawson. I 'member his kick.
  4. That was a good play. The TE is always open.
  5. Mahomes would make a pretty good safety. Vea is large.
  6. Evenening, gentlemen. And Vic. evenevening I can't type
  7. 3 out of 5 male cheerleaders are regretting their choice.
  8. It was seriously full speed helmet to helmet. Really not sure how Klatt survived. You kids today have no idea.
  9. 1111111111111111 Florida and Georgia bring the stronkest game.
  10. The jokes write themselves, but those clowns were running in opposite directions on that play. The aggy defense is... the aggy defense.
  11. He leaves him hanging with a vengeance. It is hilariously awkward. Well yeah, if he played for Texas Kelson would be hitting someone else.
  12. Klatt got some sense knocked into him long ago.
  13. Sweet rub or spicy? Or spicy sweet rub? I need to do a pork butt for the chili colorados.
  14. More like real pogrum, amirite?
  15. Umm, no. I would buy her a nice seafood dinner.
  16. He's so old watch my back here, sonny. *shakes fist*
  17. Flacco is not 63 you craxy. 62. tops.
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