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Everything posted by TOR

  1. Aight, this was the end of CUSA week nights and they go back to playing Saturday. Next week, MACtion baby!
  2. Wow, special-ed play by WKU on the onsides kick.
  3. Falwell U, Liberty! Always knew Rich Rod would pull this one out.
  4. Don't ruin this for us, Richrod.
  5. Thanks, I usually use sportsurge that in turns links to streameast, but there are too many pops to bother with right now.
  6. Damn cbssn is all picky about their copyright or something. This KSW game got out of hand quick, they were tied up 7-7 when I took the dog for a walk.
  7. Jeez Bobcats, make an effort. G'night, folks.
  8. Ok, the egregious PI had nothing to do with the pick, so they let it pass because Cajuns? This is smelling like ACC.
  9. These Tuesday night CUSA games are a beating. MACtion can't get here soon enough.
  10. Not so much on the follow-up play.
  11. Fantastic screen by the bobcats there.
  12. Bobcats driving AAAANNNNNDDD fumble.
  13. He doesn't hot dog it down the sideline he probably scores there.
  14. Imma say it. DON'T DROP YOUR HEAD!
  15. Thx rimbo, so way I would have figured that one out. I agree South West Texas State should be supported. Did a fair amount of lower division there. Took the bus.
  16. Was not expecting a 3-2 score in any game tonight. What have I missed.
  17. Should have been Nevada ball at the half yard line, the hawaii idiot clearly touched it.
  18. That was a complete cluster-fuck and they still managed to pull it off.
  19. Wazoo threatening to make this an interesting ending.
  20. Probably that cheap-ass Lowe's house brand.
  21. Seriously, did they just paint the dirt kind of green or something?
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