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Everything posted by tonedeaf

  1. I did say it. You said it was horseshit. I took it you meant I didn't say it.
  2. I didn't say that? Your in the class?
  3. I don't care what you do. Who is riding my ass? Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Ok guys. Thanks for all your help. This was a project of mine. Out of boredom I decided to take a class at the local JC. Needless to say, I am many decades older than most of the class. I'm 20 years older than the professor. We got in a discussion the other day and I made the comment that regardless of any proven evidence about whatever the topic is, if it goes against the woke/liberal/PC mindset, the discussion won't last long before it gets ugly. First emotion, then name calling. The important thing here is the time frame. My rep went from 205 to 161 in a little more than an hour. Not much name calling but a lot of middle finger. Started to go to west mall but I saw this thread and decided why not. Got the idea from Raymond, the episode where Robert gives the fake IQ test. Anyway, all is good. Appreciate you guys. Hookem Horns. Beat Wyoming. And fuck baylor. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  5. Good story. But I am old enough to have lived through and seen blacks at the back of the bus, whites only drinking , blacks in their place after dark, and actual "systemic " racism. You know, laws on the books. It was ugly and awful and I couldn't understand it. I was a kid in the 50's. Just because you have been told it's systemic doesn't mean it is. That's not denying racism exists, it's not in the law and it's surely not as prevalent as some want us to think. Read Thomas Sowell, shelby steele, John McWhorter, Jason L riley , Walter Williams glen lorry for a different perspective.
  6. Rest him this week. Have him ready for conference, hopefully.
  7. Yes. Actually we all have.
  8. You made the comment about racist being everywhere. I simply inferred you are correct. The simple fact that in today's world racism is the go to card. Regardless if it is real or not.
  9. I have been told that I am racist cause I am white. Apparently it is in the "white " DNA. So who is the racist?
  10. After their rousing victory over the long Island sharks this week they will be fired up. Tickets could reach as high as 10 bucks.
  11. Yes. But we are not a patient fan base. I'm guilty but I'm old. My seasons are running out. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  12. Cross him off then.
  13. To answer the question that started this thread: I would say he is kicking some ass. Hook'em.
  14. Just win.
  15. Skidmark is an ass clown. Rig12 deserves what it gets.
  16. Yes. That is my understanding.
  17. Totally agree. I like Sarkisian. Nobody wants him to succeed here more than I. We got 10 more regular season games. We have the talent to run the table. Last night was a great win. Now comes the hard part. Winning games you are supposed to win. As of right now, I have faith.
  18. That would be nice.
  19. Fuck baylor.
  20. Just think what's gonna happen in 2 weeks when we show up.
  21. Well, after this Saturday Saban will be 103-9.
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