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Everything posted by senseiTX

  1. Deviled eggs!
  2. I heard Pole Assassin’s monkey and Sark are getting an apartment in the Domain
  3. I didn’t know Directv stream let you use your credentials for direct app login. That’s definitely a plus. Thanks!
  4. I’ve kept my Google Fiber TV service for 3 years longer than I’ve wanted a traditional cable service just for LHN’s baseball coverage. Now that they’re killing their TV service, what streaming providers include LHN and don’t suck? I don’t want to have to PM Derka 4 times a week for teh streamz.
  5. Another half hour of collecting snow so I can flush my toilets I guess.
  6. Still no water in southwest Austin. Looking at that graph on Austin Water, unless they significantly increase production they won't hit the 100 million gallon reserve required to pressurize the system to begin testing until Monday 😞
  7. Audio stream working for anyone yet?
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