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About ABSR

  • Birthday December 7

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  1. I hate it when Russian air defense works perfectly and shoots down every Ukrainian drone…as always, but then the debris from the perfect air defense causes so many issues.
  2. Fixed it.
  3. So did the shoes fit? But seriously that is horrible for the person and for you and everyone who had to witness or be involved. Regardless of what you did or did not do, it would have had no impact on saving him.
  4. I grew up in Austin in the 70's and it was called Smear the Queer. Never even thought about what the words meant outside of them being the name of the game. I was in my 30's when by boys were old enough to play the game and called it Kill the Carrier. I thought, "No, that's not the name, the name of the game is ........... oh, yeah. Kill the carrier is much better."
  5. And it was glorious, but maybe a little too taxing.
  6. When you're waiting for your teacher to give back your grammar test and the Vice Principal and Special Ed teacher come in and walk to your desk. You're about to be put in a different classroom.
  7. Texas needs to hire Meat Pimp to set up and run the program. Holy crap that would be glorious.
  8. ABSR

    Getting old sucks

    Again? I assume you reset the odometer.
  9. Puts a whole new spin on "He has risen!"
  10. ABSR

    Shit My Kid Says

    Fixed for how how he wanted you to respond.
  11. Holy crap that is funny! My aggy related story. So I was Navy ROTC and was also on our drill team my freshman year (not aggy). Part of the reason to put up with the drill team BS was to get a trip to Mardi Gras as Tulane hosts a drill competition that coincides with Mardi Gras. We also got to march in a parade which was cool...and we did it when the parade was actually happening. My first memory of aggy is that they sucked in the competition and that afterward in the wet muddy field a few senior students wearing Nazi Brown Shirt type uniforms and riding boots were screaming at all of the other members as they made them do push ups and PT in the mud while in their good uniforms. All of us thought, what is wrong with those guys? Little did we know.
  12. Come on! I think it was clear Trump believed he was offering “Peace for our time!”
  13. Kevin Costner, the reluctant hero, has to be on here somewhere.
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