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About ABSR

  • Birthday December 7

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  1. Or "Tiny", as your Mom described him when she introduced you to each other.
  2. Nicole's dark passenger has to be fed at some point.
  3. Did you reply "So same as every other day?"
  4. Can't answer without all the pertinent information. Does the shark have lasers?
  5. Fixed it. Sailors too. And evidence indicates that retention was poor.
  6. Nice recovery. Let us know how the FBI judges score your dismount?
  7. Wait, something meant to represent an aggy education is made of fools gold? Isn’t that what makes it authentic?
  8. My wife can “load” the dishwasher and have half a sink of dirty dishes left for the next cycle. I can then get them all to fit and get cleaned properly. Had a heated discussion about this earlier in our marriage and my wife strongly indicated there was not a right or wrong way to load the dishwasher. I agreed but did indicate there were certainly more and less efficient ways to do so. While she has never agreed to my point, she has committed that I will always do the dishes.To be fair, I think her position was the asshole in our house will do the dishes, and based on her evaluation my reign has been unbroken.
  9. Would that make it kiddie porn?
  10. So this guy "graduated from the prestigious airborne officers’ college"? We can be sure of one thing, he did not die running away...or running toward the enemy.
  11. ABSR

    Shit My Kid Says

    Fixed it.
  12. Very sorry for your loss. I have lost both parents, and no matter how ready you think you are mentally or right the time is for them to go, it is still very sad.
  13. Does that make the beans Chili?
  14. Are you saying the way they shaped the Peyronie's narrative was odd?
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