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Everything posted by ABSR

  1. And what if you save all of your black meme's in sub-folders with sub-folders. All back of the folder like.
  2. A place of many future cyclist/car accidents.
  3. The real immediate issue is that the debris may block passage in and out of the port of Baltimore. So ships can't exit the port, ships can't get in, and cargo can't go in or out. First issue is to clear debris so ship traffic can flow and the port can resume operations.
  4. Or is that blackface squared?
  5. I would not say never, but it will take a lot of time. The comparison (not perfect) I would draw would be the Irish/IRA situation in the past. We would have said similar things about that, but in the end I think what fixed it was prosperity. When people have jobs, opportunities, a future they think they can get for themselves and their children they will not focus on killing others, but on the kitchen remodel they want, or the new car, or school opportunities for their kids. How to do that and actually get money to be provided and then to have it not be stolen and to be used for the intended purpose.....well
  6. It is an especially bad time to be a bearded Islamic guy in Russia/Moscow. I also like how they kept the plastic suffocation/torture bag around his neck not caring that people would see it.
  7. The AD should take all of the blame for this consistent poor performance across multiple sports. They need a change, but if only there was a way to get out from under his contract? Not sure there is anyone out there stupid enough to help, but they can always hope.
  8. It’s like the story is only half told. What was the reply? Is the discipline notice because the teacher is jealous?
  9. Russian FSB wearing masks and having machines attacked a concert hall during a performance. Instantaneously FSB arrested 5 people for involvement who have never held a gun, much less a machine gun, as they were the Ukranian perpetrators of this horrible act. The propaganda and Putin outrage will be everywhere almost immediately, as if it was almost prepared ahead of time. Of course this will be used to show why they need to recruit 300,000 more soldiers to end this three day .... ugh, special military operation.
  10. Where was MIA? Was there a dog in the car?
  11. Or Abacus. Or her fingers...well, for counting.
  12. The pervasiveness of information is both good and bad. I remember a quote from Chuck Yeager in book "The Right Stuff" where he said that while he grew up in a fairly rural area of West Virginia, that he did not realize he was poor until he left for the military and saw the broader world. Now with the pervasiveness of media and information we see the top 1% of the 1% and are given the impression that if you are not living that life/lifestyle (often even faked by the presenter) that you are failing. I disagree on some levels. Social media does let people be "mean" behind a keyboard, so that does exist more so than before, but in schools and in today's environment we have SO much more anti-bullying, inclusion, accept all people, stand up speak out, type of training and messaging in the culture than when we were growing up. This is really good in many ways, but I think it also led to an often over sensitive "Micro Aggression" mindset where everything not covered in sugar and cotton candy, or that was something a person did not like, was to be viewed as bad and hurtful. So in some instances, instead of teaching people to be strong and stand up for themselves it also sometimes led them down a path of being hyper sensitive. Combined with pervasive media, or even selective media chosen by individuals, it could reinforce these perceptions.
  13. I think you are selling these dainty young ladies short.
  14. A woman cannot abide a content man.
  15. Some might call this Karma.
  16. Not saying there might not be real concerns, but if you look at some travel warnings we could likely issue the same for most cities in the US. As some areas in all of them require you to be more careful.
  17. Okay everyone, on the count of three say "Rent Free!" and I will take the picture.
  18. I'll defer to any pilots who want to weigh in, but a four engine aircraft should be able to lose one engine and continue to fly. Really, I think it could lose two and still fly well enough to make a quick emergency landing. Maybe a load shift or something else, but this seems odd.
  19. So instead of warning people, keeping them away, and letting animal control do it's job, we encourage drunk rednecks to go hunting/looking. #teamtiger
  20. Was he gay? I read a rumor that Nicole hates gay people. Or maybe likes them too much. But either way, could be Nicole.
  21. I bet it fit him in High School.
  22. As said by others, what has he accomplished that he will bring to aggy? He does have high name recognition, although not for being a good AD. Maybe that was their search criteria, who has the highest Q score or name recognition. Hitler was unavailable and had already made many videos mocking aggy, so Trevor it is!
  23. Well, if you had the decency to find some complete random stranger to have told her what was needed she would have believed them and done what they said. Really your fault.
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