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Everything posted by ABSR

  1. Don’t leave us hanging… so were you the father?
  2. It's an aggy fairy tale that has been written and repeated enough that per the all important "Tradition" it is now accepted as fact by all good red asses. It is of course not true.
  3. Then you could file for unemployment.
  4. Wood Wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood
  5. I am curious when the DOD says 80,000 "Russian troops" injured or killed, if that includes the numbers for Wagner, Chechen or other foreign fighters, or for the Ukrainian "volunteers" from Luhansk and Donetsk?
  6. Based on it being such dark black smoke, and a lot of it, I would assume that this is oil/gas that is burning. So the airfields oil or fuel storage.
  7. Google “therapist putting false molestation memories”. First page has 10 or so papers and reports. Some from 90’s and some just on false memory issue from other times. Not just with celebs but in general, but I think celeb cases where this was alleged or believed to have possibly happened got more notice. Doesn’t mean all are false accusations, but there was a spate of kids or people finding “repressed memories” of abuse that was later found to be false but derived from therapy.
  8. I assumed someone on the phone told him Kim had been killed. That is why he was so distraught. He assumed it was because of him and that starts him back on a path to be Slippin’ Jimmy or Saul.
  9. If we could get everyone on our professional cornhole circuit over to Ukraine, we could have that entire country cleared out in about 2 weeks.
  10. Have they thought about building a wall?
  11. This is how milkshakes are made.
  12. It’s important to be honest with yourself and with her before you get married. Love and companionship are important, but looks and desirability matter as well. You should let her know that if during the marriage she starts working out, losing weight, toning up instead of bulging out, that this would be a deal breaker. But seriously Congrats! I look forward to your posts in the wives thread and never in the divorce thread.
  13. I believe those are zip ties, and the curl/pretzel is likely intentional so they stay secured to his belt but are available for relatively easy access/use. Or it could be his mid-morning snack as he obviously needs to feed every 45 minutes.
  14. So both harder than Kevlar and taste worse than Kevlar.
  15. Someone many many months behind on child support, but who wants a Photo OP to post on social media to fool people into thinking he's not as big of a dead beat Dad everyone already believes him to be.
  16. X, 1, 2 For both superior looks and very likely superior conversation.
  17. To follow up with what Helobious elegantly said ... you're welcome!
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