Aggy uses aggy math to make this work. First, "served" and "commissioned get conflated so that anyone who ever flunked out, or took a dump, or served a session at a glory hole at A&M can be counted. 90 day wonders trained near aggy, but they did not take academic classes or graduate from A&M...count 'em.
When they make the claim they like to count the number of academy graduates who graduated during whatever WWII time frame they use. THEN they compare that to every "aggy" they can claim who ever served. Meaning they count someone commissioned, or who flunked out of aggy in 1935 who was on active duty or called up...but they don't count the academy students the same way.
Also, they like to make these claims and then when you look at it you would that work. At their own propaganda site below at the top they have a picture with the following caption. "The photo shows the class of 1941 being commissioned at Guion Hall. More than 20,000 Aggies served in World War II. Approximately 14,000 of them were officers, more than any other school, including military academies."
Then look at the picture. Easy to count rows. It is 8 x 11 so 88 commissioned officers from the aggy 1941 class. 88. So how did you get to 14,000 from here?