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Starfleet Command

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Posts posted by Starfleet Command

  1. 5 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    And maybe don't allow a solo HR in the 8th by Altuve to tie it up. (Note: interesting how a hypothetical tie game in the 9th is automatically a Red Sox walkoff win, but narratives and clicks right?)

    Maybe convert your offensive chances when  your opponent allows seven walks, only one of which scored.

    I'm okay hearing Sawx fans bitch about one pitch, but it is journalistic malpractice for Jeff Passan to gin up a story for ESPN clicks that doesn't square with the statistical evidence nor does it allow for any other "one pitch" or one bad call that might have had a role in determining the outcome of the game.

    I just find it funny they’re so riled up about a borderline call. If the roles were reversed no one but Ben Dubose would give a shit about that call. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Gourmand said:

    ESPN Stats & Info had that one freakin pitch called a strike only 23% of the time. Savant had it about 30% of the time as a strike.

    Go jerk yourself off to keeekay, Passan. What a clown.

    I looked at breaking pitches in that zone for the past three seasons and it was 63% ball/25% called strike over the past three seasons.

  3. 19 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    I think It’s framber and oderizzi tomorrow 

    not sure if it’s chas or siri

    not sure if it’s machete or Castro 

    brantley in LF, Yordan dh ?

    You can bet your ass Maldy is starting. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Yes it's not like there are stats that are easily found on how bad these umps are, and yet they keep getting assigned post season games. Forgive me if I don't give a shit about a missed call in favor of the Astros after game 3 of the White Sox series, that likely contributed to the Astros losing our best pitcher.

    I ran the numbers on that ball to Castro and pitches of that type and in that location to LHB are called a strike <30% of the time.  Good take by Castro on a pitch that was very unlikely to be called a strike. 

  5. I expected Garcia to get cooked but it was sad seeing Urquidy get blown out like that.  Still, besides Altuve's fuckup I think the way Maldy was pitching him was a huge mistake and ensured he would be shelled in that game.  Urquidy's release points vary significantly so his breaking/offspeed pitches are pretty easy to pick up.  Maldy going back to those over and over and over again when he can't throw them for strikes was a death sentence.  You have to try to get ahead in the count and force them to expand against those breaking/offspeed pitches.  That's been Urquidy's formula for success since he arrived.


    Also, I don't know why some on here thought our starters weren't going to get shelled this series.  

  6. I just can't believe they didn't have any kind of plan in place should Garcia get shelled which was almost certainly going to happen.  Instead we trot Odo out there mid-inning when he's not yet ready to pitch so that we can both burn him and put the game firmly out of reach.  Stunning ineptitude.  

  7. They really fucked themselves by adding Taylor over someone capable of pitching 3/4 innings. They also fucked themselves by starting Garcia in that game when he’s been terrible for over a month. 

    Simply start Odo or Urquidy and we we have a good chance of winning that game. Garcia can’t be trusted to pitch more than one inning and probably should be taken off the roster entirely in favor of one of Solomon and Bielak. 

    imo, the “starters” moving forward should be Framber, Urquidy, Odo, and Javier. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    Framber, Urquidy, Garcia, Odorizzi

    I think Garcia is gassed and hasn’t performed well since the summer. Urquidy and Odo throw strikes at a clip sufficient to work deep into a game but at least one of them is going to get lit up. The only thing I can say is that Odo pitched surprisingly well in September so hopefully that carries over. 

  9. 47 minutes ago, WBT said:

    We need to do some serious piggybacking from here on out with Javier, Greinke, and Odo.  Trying to throw Yimi, Maton, Stanek, and Emo an inning each every game isn't going to hold up.

    This is why  I really think they should have added another multi-inning reliever. Who is realistically going to pitch 4+ innings in a start?  Framber?  Maybe Urquidy?  

  10. 7 hours ago, rvm96 said:

    The Coors home/road split argument is a bad argument to make for not signing Story. Hitters struggle batting away from that ballpark while they play for the Rockies. 

    I just don't see them sinking that much money into SS when Pena and Leon are both about ready to come up.  I think Taylor is about as high-end as they'll go and that might even be a pipe dream.  Hopefully though they use that money to get some high end pitching which is what this team truly lacks.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    tbh I don't know how the fuck the Giants even won 109 games. 

    Other than Crawford, Bryant(who they didn't have all season), old Longoria and Posey, they are just a bunch of mediocre dudes position wise.  I wouldn't be shocked if they went .500 next season.  



    They won't win 109 games but they'll be good.  Zaidi knows what he's doing.

  12. 2 hours ago, Make em eat Taco Bell said:

    Webb should have stayed.  Analytics loses again; I'm sure Dusty would've kept him in. Go with the human instinct >> computers. 

    Were most on this thread rooting for LAD??? Hope not. 

    Weak call, but you have have so score more than 1 at home in a clincher. 

    and late night Lamonte almost killed it twice.. game of millimeters truly

    lol Webb gave up the run exactly when “analytics” says you should pull your starter.  

  13. Just now, David Dennison said:

    Start Greinke before Odorizzi.

    I think that would be pretty risky.  Greinke has just been garbage against RHB this season, and Odorizzi has actually pitched well since the beginning of September.

  14. Just now, tx 3 putt said:

    100% odorizi will have to start. Do we bump up the best minor league starter ?

    I would probably add Bielak with Odorizzi.  Bielak has pitched better than Solomon this season.  Wouldn't it be exciting to see Bielak on the mound for 3+ innings this series?

  15. 3 hours ago, Gourmand said:

    And much of it is because he wasn't a "people" person so the MLB media and old school insiders made it be known how much he was supposedly hated.. 

    Luhnow is hard to grade. He was a brilliant GM in a lot of ways and was creative and relentless in his pursuit of maximizing the talent in the organization.

    However, he had a blindspot when it came to how he and the org were perceived by the other orgs/owners and the media. He didn’t seem to understand how dangerous it was to be seen as a pariah by them all and how  at the first opportunity they would make sure he got the axe. 

    Had he dialed it down a notch and didn’t do things like trade for Osuna or try to draft that child molester from Oregon then he might still be here. 

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