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Starfleet Command

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Everything posted by Starfleet Command

  1. How is this possible with all of the money and tech being thrown their way? lol if you were to poll people how many do you think would get the below correct? 0? https://prospect.org/justice/why-are-police-so-bad-at-their-jobs/
  2. Uvalde PD deserves plenty of blame but I doubt it stops there with how involved DPS and BPD were involved in the disaster. Still, Abbott will probably shield DPS/BPD from blame (which could make him look bad) while throwing Uvalde PD into the fire.
  3. This if what all those tax dollars were going towards.
  4. Two of the 19 that sat in the hallway listening to nine and ten year olds being slowly tortured to death for nearly an hour without attempting to intervene. Saying shit like this should end your fucking career.
  5. I think Abbott, Cornyn, etc. are just empty suit careerists. I think Ted is something else. Like he gets off on this shit somehow.
  6. Biden needs to call a press conference today announcing the creation of a federal taskforce or some other federal entity that will be charged with investigating what happened here.
  7. How can they go with “we thought they were all dead woops” excuse when it’s already gotten out that there were multiple calls to police from the kids/teachers throughout the event?
  8. Probably the way Abbott wants it to play out. Can’t let his beloved DPS or BPD take blame.
  9. The former is obviously true. The latter is a bit more subtle but is likely true as well. It's just hard to project Rockies hitters when they leave.
  10. Also saw a report in the Daily Mail I believe that 150! cops were outside the school during the long wait.
  11. He's struggled with maintaining his stuff throughout his appearances which has led to his BB issues. Him pumping 99+ MPH 80+ pitches into his start is a good sign.
  12. It might help support the theory that playing for the Rockies makes you a worse hitter outside of Coors than you would be otherwise if you played for a differen team.
  13. https://www.latimes.com/politics/newsletter/2022-05-27/on-guns-fear-of-futility-deters-action-essential-politics Shocking.
  14. They may not be able to hold him down in AAA for that much longer. 0 BB, 10 Ks across 7 IP hitting 99 in the 7th inning to strike out the side.
  15. This is really informative: https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/the-journal/the-fight-over-banning-the-ar-15/02b82dd5-7847-4b60-aa29-decf197a88d6
  16. The US has a lot of natural advantages that aren't going away anytime soon, so i'm not sure if I subscribe to this doom-and-gloom terminal decline narrative. However, if that does come to pass, I think our last opportunity to effect meaningful change was with Obama's administration, which was ultimately a failure.
  17. Even if they aren't lying about no cops being on school grounds when the shooter arrived the police station is like four minutes from the school.
  18. They are in complete CYA mode now. Wouldn't be surprised if the police chief has lawyered up. Has it been addressed why the town was forced to rely on the Border Patrol's tactical unit and not the city's own SWAT team? Were they also tasked with pepper spraying parents? I haven't seen that answered anywhere but where else could they have been?
  19. I think Cruz could be beatable in the right election. I think Cornyn is actually tougher because he can pretend to be a moderate when it suits him.
  20. Yeah, I have a friend who began working in Toronto after graduating law school and he certainly didn't fork over $400,000. He's now a dual citizen.
  21. Not to mention that having a single entrance would have meant fuck all in this instance. The killer waltzed right by multiple armed cops to enter the school.
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