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Everything posted by texas08

  1. Oh absolutely. I’m sure Cadillac is already forecasting how much money they’ll have with Checo. Can you imagine Checo and Sainz at Cadillac while Cadillac establishes a young drivers pipeline (plus Sainz has like another 6-7 years in him, lol)? The stupid amounts of $$$ the Latin America markets would bring for Cadillac (and F1) would be astronomical.
  2. Yep, there’s a clip out there of Albon saying that car is strictly built for maxes style and equates it to having the sensitivity on your pc mouse to super fast. So everything is hypersensitive and puts the drivers under stress for not knowing how the hell to control the car and then they just see max get away from them race after race (then doesn’t help to have a fuck head like Helmet Marko saying stupid shit all the time publicly). So the fact checo was able to produce 2nd and 3rd under that type of situation (and even prior to that drive decently in piece of shit cars says a ton about checos ability)…but yeah he sucks ass…(yes checo being backed by fuck you money helped to stick around…but not even academy drivers can tame that second seat). 13 year F1 career…
  3. Until someone in the second seat finishes 2nd or 3rd in the championship, everyone can STFU about checos struggles last year. Puta leyenda.
  4. Jajajaj…Lawson, pinche pendejo. -Checo
  5. Lewisssss
  6. Let it fucking burn.
  7. Make sure to get the jersey tailored before gifting it.
  8. Same, didn’t help that some of my uncles are/were into building dirt track cars for the local dirt tracks. And Adrian Fernandez being bad ass around that time too
  9. Yes, hurry up f1 (watching Daytona 500 today for a bit for a slight dose of loud cars/racing). A new era for my f1 fandom. Can’t wait to see Checo attempting the LeMans this year and jumping on the Cadillac team or whatever its gonna be, make them a fuck ton of money, do decent with the team, ride into the sunset leaving a solid foundation for next phase of Andretti’s team. Been following Checo since a few years prior to 2011 when he then joined Sauber. It’s been a sick ride following him. What a bad ass for lasting that long in F1, fucking legend.
  10. Used to like nascar. I got bored of it (I like most motor sports), someone paid my entry fee for fantasy live or whatever it’s called. I’m gonna try and keep up. I don’t know anyone other than a few big names and Suarez and bubba. Who wants to help me win $200? Thanks. How stupid are these picks? I used ChatGPT and also picked some random stuff looking for surprises. I know I can swap garage guy in if he’s killing it before stage 2 ends. What else do I need to know as far as during the race (for those of you that may play nascar fantasy)? Everything else is about keeping up with all the behind the scenes shit and obviously track driver performance, but is also all luck so I’m not gonna spend a ton of time on nascar driver research.
  11. I pulled up to McDs for a quick McFlurry…wanted some fries for the heck of it… Medium fries, $3.43 or whatever. Fucking stupid. Fuck MAGA.
  12. Pics of f350
  13. No, I’m not flipping off the Venetian, Palazzo, mountains or Vegas.
  14. https://apnews.com/article/trump-holiday-mlk-day-pride-black-hispanic-dei-047bbdbfc12ea6e9a9731f5861d84e70
  15. Venezuelans lean Dotard. Have fun in Caracas.
  16. Que en paz descanse.
  17. Lewissssss
  18. I feel like this thread should be merged with Dotards America thread….its all the same dumbassery
  19. Delete Tapa Pro (@cruser), use regular one. Tapa Pro is no longer supported.
  20. lol Damn I just tried using the sig option for “sent from my iPhone using TapaTalk” And got this…
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