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Everything posted by texas08

  1. We invade and treat Putin like fucking bin Laden or Hussein and the locals topple all their stupid shit down? That would be a good start. China ain’t doing shit, this shit has sobered them. The world will turn on your ass if you behave like a fucking idiot. USA BITCHES! Never side with dictators!!!
  2. So a piñata. Where everyone beats the fuck out of it.
  3. This, I’m COTAd out after a few races during its early years. I basically went to get smashed. There was a year that Johnny Walker had booths all over the track giving free scotch. I got hammered. And barely “kept up” w the racing action. I also did GA, I think it’s the best way to go to get different views etc. Unless I get invited to premium seating or something, I doubt I’ll be going any time soon.
  4. The fact that this tub of fucking lard is a free man right now should enrage every single one of us….even if you’re a GQPer. The fucking guy STOLE TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS…STOLE!!!!! Wake up you IMBECILES! Your fucking grandpappys and pawpaws fought for this type of shit to never happen in America!!!
  5. Yeah, I’m about to start drug smuggling across state lines and just start doing whatever the fuck I want. If that fat fuck can steal top secret documents, then we can all do whatever the fuck we want. Free for all boys and girls!
  6. This little treasonous spy fuck head just needs to fucking expire.
  7. Affidavit https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000182-daec-dfd1-adef-dafe79d30000
  8. Holy fuck, please save yourself from raising your blood pressure. DO NOT WATCH that totalitarian propaganda piece of shit video. My gawd, we are beyond fucked if half the country believes that stupid mind fucking shit. There is no question in my mind that he’s a fucking Russian spy. Those are some dangerous fucking videos full of fucking lies. Be ready to fight for this nation (or leave), but shit will not be pretty as soon as he’s convicted and not allowed to run in 2024.
  9. BUT HUNTER BIDEN!!!! on all the extremist conservative media
  10. The kids selection at the coop is abysmal. The oranges they use on most of the the kids stuff is ridiculously off…ok state type orange.
  11. Fucking ay. And none of those fucksticks will ever be held accountable. Commit treason, no big deal. Get caught with a little weed? A BIG FUCKING DEAL. Fuck this place.
  12. Post race interviews on F1TV indicate that there was some sort of virtual safety car software (from race control end) issue that threw Perez off on the restart. Whatever that means. Checo sort of having an excuse at least makes more sense as to why he fucked that restart up. Good race.
  13. My gawd I would not be able to leave the fuckkng room without beating the fuck out out of that mayor and all those assholes sitting there if I was remotely impacted by that COWARDLY clusterfuck. The fucking play military soldiers in that hallway had one mission, to KILL. They fucking stood by like little fucking tacticool call of duty playing motherfuckers and got their shit pushed in by some psychopath. May each and every one of those fuckers never be able to sleep and get haunted by those poor little souls. FUCK!!!!
  14. I’ll be on other side. I like Nick. He’s the Iverson of tennis. NBA/NFL players talk incredible amounts of shit all the time and we seem not to care then (also cameras aren’t in their face every play). Is it traditional to talk shit in tennis, of course not, but uh…he’s the complete opposite of “traditional”. Sometimes traditional is boring and he makes shit interesting. As long as he’s not physically assaulting someone, let the dude be. He gets fined all the time and pays the fine.
  15. LA CONCHA DE TU MADRE. Checo unlucky. Hoping for another Ferrari debacle with leclerc. Lol
  16. I might consider this, BUT then you can’t see the hot instructors all up on your face lol
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