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Everything posted by texas08

  1. Yeah, that’s a dumb penalty on Norris.
  2. Gdamn it Perez. That was fucking pointless that early.
  3. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CQn1lqvgRzj/?utm_medium=copy_link Mazespin became 0.5% likeable after this lol And it must suck to get trolled by your own team haha
  4. “This idiot again” Perez on the radio…. Maze spin not getting completely out of the Gdamn way
  5. That guy with the pistols belt buckle is realizing how fucking stupid he was for believing the “back the blue” bullshit. He just realized he doesn’t mean shit for the party of “law and order”.
  6. I want it to rain at this point lol
  7. Father’s day and 8am race…mimosas on deck! Vamos Checo!
  8. Yep, to clarify, was speaking about f150 panoramics.
  9. Cheap plastic moving parts. With sun beating on them and all the vehicle movement, the rails are bound to break. Bad design. Panoramic sunroofs for the win, if they work (they also have a moving shade that blocks the sun…I’m sure y’all knew that).
  10. Pato, that UFC champion, Checo…bad hombres!
  11. Fuck this standing start bullshit…. Checo, vamos cabron!!!!!
  12. No points from my understanding. Russell on Bottas on the restart….
  13. Wow, pirelli is fucked
  14. I can’t believe this!!!!!
  17. Perez will be low key and not critical. He’s polite and smart. He’s not going to mess anything up to keep him on this team for another 2-3 years.
  18. Hahaha a convenient Perez pit stop mistake for max….. Perez should’ve won this race hahahaha VAMOS CHECO! All good…it’s all about that drivers championship and that teamwork. At least it looks like a “mistake” and not told to get out the way while racing.
  19. So basically she can break out. Sweet!
  20. Kid in a candy store!!! (Where they sell AMG race cars).
  21. Holy fuck, that sound…congratulations immamac. You’re gonna be smoking so many dumb bastards out there (wait would people even try to race a wagon? Lol).
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