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Everything posted by texas08

  1. All this race needs is for Verstappen to spin out!
  2. Hulkenberg with a terrible attempt at a save there.....WTF dude... Raikkonen saved it like a bad ass a lap or two before....
  3. if that happens to any other team, they're done....hamilton is right back in it....wild
  4. He’s a minimalist. Jk. Looks like the dealers garage.
  5. It’s funny how Chavala selectively chooses shit to fling on all these threads. Never links any of the shit flinging to Dotard (even though there’s a fuck ton of smoke with Epstein and Dotard). Chavala always fails to understand that no one on this site gives a shit about Bill and no one is defending Bill. Did I say Chavala? Sorry. Zavala, the Mexican traitor.
  6. these guys are fucking comical...fuck you republicans....FUCK YOU
  7. This...maybe Oklahoma as well? They do have medicinal up there.
  8. Fuck this!!! https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2019/07/trumps-epa-just-made-its-final-decision-not-to-ban-a-pesticide-that-hurts-kids-brains/ Thank god I/most of us have access to organic shit (and hope that it’s truly organic)....these people truly are despicable. And people who don’t have access organic shit? Well thanks to our wonderful government, they’ll grow up with a fucked up brain.
  9. Tapa is a million times better when tweets are shown embedded, not the stupid link. What changed? Is it something w the site? Tapa? Twitter?
  10. I’m sure that touch screen will control everything in that interior (including all the functions of those buttons). That landing strip of buttons is def for the olds that would have trouble touching a screen. Lots of olds like their vettes.
  11. https://petapixel.com/2019/07/17/amazon-accidentally-sold-13000-camera-gear-for-100-on-prime-day/ Damn.
  12. I’m sure these have been posted before, but I just saw them referenced in an article for the first time recently. Not official or anything.
  13. AOC is gonna rip that bastard apart.
  14. Am I missing something here? That old man deserves to get dropped.
  15. Check out the Taco series on Netflix. There’s an episode on Barbacoa.
  16. Can you imagine how much more "go back to where you came from" is being said across the country today? Yes, in a hateful manner.
  17. Yes more participated threads would be great.
  18. I had this weird feeling that if he had won today, he may have retired. I’m probably way wrong, but his wife looked like she was ready for him to be done and at home.
  19. My 98 f150 5.4 was at 275k miles...never had an issue with it other than regular maintenance. The biggest expense I ever made on it was getting upper control arms to get rid of suspensions squeaks (at around 200k miles). Sold it and it’s still being driven by the new owner as a daily.
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